Welcoming the Warriors Home. I'm Not a Fool (2)

In the Demon Realm Ancestral Court, a ball of fire burned fiercely.

These flames were Bai Qianqian's anger.

While driving the flames in the furnace, she gritted her teeth and cursed Shi Changsheng.

Only now did she realize that she had been tricked!

But it was too late. If she went back on her word halfway, wouldn't she be at a disadvantage?

Therefore, even if she had to do it with tears in her eyes, she had to be responsible for her choice.

Damn you, Shi Changsheng. I'll burn you to death! Bai Qianqian treated the pieces of forging materials as Shi Changsheng and urged the flames with all her might.

She was a rare forger in the Demon Realm, and she had personally forged the one-heaven divine weapon the Tiger Soul Saber. Her forging skills were actually quite impressive.

At the very least, all the forgers Zhou Shu had seen before were inferior to Bai Qianqian in terms of forging skills.