Since There's Mo Ye, Is There Gan Jiang? (1)

Yao Buqi was dumbfounded. Can Two Region Mountain be used like this?

I'm not a fake owner of the Two Region Mountain, right?

If Zhou Shu hadn't told him how to use divine weapons, he wouldn't have known that the Two Region Mountain was a divine weapon.

Later, under Zhou Shu's guidance, he had indeed mastered some usages of the Two Region Mountain.

But it was only limited to moving the Two Region Mountain.

But his method of flying in the sky was incomparable to direct teleportation.

Who is this woman?

How does she know how to use the Two Region Mountain?

She won't take my Two Region Mountain, will she?

Yao Buqi became a little nervous. He knew his strength very well. He was definitely not their match. If they really wanted to take his Two Region Mountain, should he just give it up to them?