Whoever I Help Will Be the Ruler of the World (2)

"Go back? Can we still go back?" Ji Lutian muttered.

"Of course we can go back! And we must go back!" Zhou Shu said solemnly. "Since we can come, there's no reason why we can't return."

"So, what do you want me to do?" Ji Lutian said blankly.

Looking around, they saw giants several meters tall everywhere. Even the babies were several times larger than Ji Lutian. This made him feel uncomfortable. His era was still the best. Here, he was like an anomaly.

He wanted to go back too.

"We need to gain a firm foothold in the giant spirit race first and then slowly find our way back." Zhou Shu pondered. "You're a little too eye-catching now. Ji Lutian, don't you know the divine ability Lawful Embodiment of Heaven and Earth?"

"Will I have any problems?" Ji Lutian said angrily. "In our era, fighting doesn't depend on size. I can fight ten of these fools alone."