Do You Know What Ore Is? (2)

"Elder Luo, let me explain," Feng Wu said in a deep voice. "To be honest with you, Elder Luo, I made a deal with the fire race."

Elder Luo nodded. The griffin race was a merchant race. It wasn't strange that they had done business with the fire race.

"I had a few acquaintances in the fire race. Before the fire race was destroyed, a friend kept something with me," Feng Wu continued.

"At the time, I didn't think too much about it. Our griffin race will never reject any opportunity to do business. He paid me to safeguard something. Of course, I have to take on such an easy job.

"That friend of mine gave me a box to safeguard. At first, I didn't know what was inside. Later, when the fire race was destroyed, this box became ownerless.

"I thought about it for a long time before I decided to open it. It's not that I don't follow the rules, but my employer is already dead. I can't keep it safe forever, right?

"That's when I found this."