Martial Dao True Bead, You Have Finally Appeared (2)

"I don't know." The stall owner was a man with red eyes. It was obvious that he was a humanoid demonic beast. Zhou Shu hadn't seen a humanoid demonic beast in a long time.

He said, "It's hard to say what cultivation technique is contained in the Martial Dao True Bead left behind by a Heavenly Dao monster after its death. If you can obtain any divine techniques, then you're lucky. If you obtain something ordinary, then you can only blame your bad luck."

"Martial Dao True Bead?" Zhou Shu asked curiously.

"Where did you come from? Don't tell me you don't even know this?" the stall owner said impatiently. "Are you a barbarian? You barbarians are really lucky to be able to survive in the wilderness.