Fighting for Favor; You Have the Heaven-Splitting Axe, I Have the Heavenly Halberd (2)

The nightlord race looked at each other. The arrival of the Golden-Winged Roc King really frightened them.

Even the golden-winged roc race is here?

What did we do wrong?

Why are you staring at us?

Tell us. What did our nightlord race do wrong? We can change.

"Surrender, we surrender!" the nightlord race shouted. What a joke. The giant spirit race alone had already crippled them. Now, even the golden-winged roc race had appeared. If this continued, the nightlord race would really be wiped out.

Golden-Winged Roc King: "…"

I'm already warmed up, but you're telling me you're not fighting anymore?

He held the Heavenly Halberd and was eager to try. Should I kill these guys?

The nightlord race felt their hair stand on end under the Golden-Winged Roc King's gaze. They involuntarily retreated one after another.