Good Luck Can Be Unreasonable (1)

Zhou Shu was speechless at Bai Qianqian's choice.

She actually found a place to hide!

Every time she came in, she had to stay for a year before she could leave.

This was different from other people who relied on opportunities to enter the Origin World. Those people could leave whenever they wanted.

But then again, if Bai Qianqian could leave whenever she wanted, she would probably have already left the Origin World.

Others could risk their lives for opportunities, but Bai Qianqian would risk losing opportunities to save herself!

This was a great opportunity, but she actually dug a hole and buried herself in order to survive in the Origin World for a year!

Isn't she here to find Divine Stones? Could it be that if she hides herself here, Divine Stones will come knocking on her door? Zhou Shu was really speechless. He had seen people who were cautious, but he had never seen someone like Bai Qianqian.