In the Face of Absolute Luck, Strength Is Not Worth Mentioning (2)

The Nine Immortals man made the right choice. Facing such an opponent, if there was no need, it was better not to fight to the death with her. The best choice was to get out while the going was good.

"How am I strong? I'm not strong at all. I'm very weak," Bai Qianqian mumbled softly.

She wasn't strong at all. It would be best if everyone treated her as a weakling.

No one paid attention to weaklings. Moreover, if someone wanted to deal with her, they wouldn't take her seriously. That way, she could counterattack.

"Are you a fool? That man escaped. He clearly went to get reinforcements. If you don't chase after him and kill him now, he'll find reinforcements later. Are you going to wait for death?" Zhou Shu said angrily.

Does it matter if you're strong or weak? Your luck can sweep through all monsters!