The Divine Weapon of the Son of the Demon Ancestor, Killing a Demon Emperor (1)


Outside the Demon Realm Ancestral Court, rumbling sounds were endless.

In the depths of the Demon Realm Ancestral Court, rumbling sounds were also endless.

It was the sound of Zhou Shu forging a divine weapon.

Looking at the flickering lightning and flames inside the light barrier, Yin Wuyou and Lu Wenshuang looked at each other.

Lu Wenshuang was pacing back and forth and couldn't help saying, "Wuyou, nothing should happen here for now. I'll go out and help them."

The signal they had agreed on came from outside just now. A Demon Emperor should be attacking.

Then there was endless rumbling outside. They were here, so they didn't know what the situation outside was.

"Little Senior Sister Lu, if we really can't stop them, the Great General and the others will send us a signal." Yin Wuyou was calmer than a hundred years ago. After all, she had been trying her best to take care of the Huaxia Pavilion for so many years.