Write Off Everything She Did in the Past (2)

Ever since Zhou Shu met Lu Wenshuang, she had always been a woman obsessed with the Martial Dao. She had a tenacious personality and had always been cold to outsiders.

Although later on, she had been influenced by Demon Queen Tushan after entering her dream, she mostly had a different style in bed. Overall, she rarely revealed her weak side.

Now that she was like this, Zhou Shu's heart softened. "Okay. What did she leave behind?"

"It's letters," Lu Wenshuang said. "I found the letters Hongxiu left me at the training ground in Qingzhou."

Back then, after Liang Hongxiu left the capital, she had gone to Qingzhou.

At the time, Lu Wenshuang had been training her troops in Qingzhou, and Liang Hongxiu had been in her first batch of soldiers.

There, Liang Hongxiu had learned the Martial Dao and became a member of Great Xia's Demon Executing Army.