Myriad Transformations, Even Enemies Must Obey My Orders (2)

Before Zhou Shu could speak, Mu Zhixing had already said a lot.

Zhou Shu looked at Mu Zhixing helplessly. "Alright, stop explaining."

He had personally seen Mu Zhixing and Zhan Jingtao fight.

He also knew that Wang Xuanyi, Diao Moye, Zhang San, and Shi Changsheng had not fallen into Zhan Jingtao's hands because of Mu Zhixing.

"I know what you want. Let me tell you the truth. It's not impossible to obtain the Freedom Transformation Technique," Zhou Shu said.

"Really?" Mu Zhixing's eyes lit up.

"The Freedom Transformation Technique is extremely precious in your eyes, but to me, it's nothing. I don't have to lie to you," Zhou Shu said indifferently.

"Of course, there's no free lunch in the world. If you want the Freedom Transformation Technique, then let's make a deal. Help me lure Zhan Jingtao away. It doesn't have to be long. Just a few hours."