The Furious Commander of the Golden Dragon Guards (2)

At this moment, thousands of kilometers away from Wu Suchen's island, a figure appeared in the air in a sorry state.

"Mu Zhixing!" Zhan Jingtao gritted his teeth.

His eyes were full of killing intent. If Mu Zhixing was in front of him, he would tear him into pieces.

But at this moment, Mu Zhixing had long disappeared.

"Damn you, Mu Zhixing. Don't let me catch you, or I'll definitely tear you into pieces!" Zhan Jingtao roared.

Boundless aura erupted from his body, exploding waves of heavy water.

At this moment, Zhan Jingtao suddenly frowned. Where are they? Where are the Golden Dragon Guards?

He couldn't sense the aura of the Golden Dragon Guards nearby. That shouldn't be the case.

He had sent the Golden Dragon Guards out. Logically speaking, there should be Golden Dragon Guards every one hundred kilometers. Why hadn't the Golden Dragon Guards come to his rescue when he had been trapped by Mu Zhixing's dharma treasure?