Blocking the Enemy in the Sky (1)

With two people taking the lead, the remaining emperors all expressed their stance.

Under such circumstances, no one dared to object.

They should be glad that Zhou Shu was willing to reason with them.

If Zhou Shu was unreasonable, they wouldn't even have a place to cry.

Now, they were only forming the Ten Nations Alliance Army. Although it couldn't be said that it wouldn't affect the Ten Nations at all, at least on the surface, the army still belonged to the Ten Nations and was only united for one purpose. The Ten Nations were still the Ten Nations.

This was already countless times better than the worst outcome they had imagined.

To put it bluntly, strength determined everything.

With Zhou Shu's current strength, if he really wanted to annex any nation, no nation would be able to withstand it.

No one was Zhou Shu's match.