Demonic Beasts Causing Trouble, The Beginning of a Fight to the Death (3)

Zhan Jingtao's body actually trembled, and fear flashed across his eyes.

"Brother Wu, if there are really experts from the Gou Mang Heavenly Kingdom on the other side, then if the Golden Dragon Guards can't go over, it's impossible for us to occupy the ancestral land," Zhan Jingtao said solemnly.

If not for the fact that this spatial passageway was too narrow, if Zhan Jingtao could pass through, even if there were experts from the Gou Mang Heavenly Kingdom, he wouldn't be afraid.

But now, even the Dragon Boat had been destroyed. The other party's plan was very clear.

They were simply preventing the arrival of the Xuan Ming Heavenly Kingdom army. If only troops went over one by one, they would only be defeated by the other party.

"Commander Zhan, I have an idea," Wu Suchen said solemnly.

"What idea?"