Reforging the Abyss Rainbow Sword, The Army Arrives (3)

"Zhan Jingtao! Those who offend the human race will die!" Ji Lutian took a step forward and appeared in front of Zhan Jingtao almost instantly.

The Demon Subduing Pagoda smashed toward Zhan Jingtao's head with boundless might.

In conjunction with the Demon Subduing Pagoda, Ji Lutian raised his fist and punched Zhan Jingtao savagely.

Zhan Jingtao frowned and felt a monstrous force surge over. He involuntarily took a step back.

Zhan Jingtao, whom even Zhou Shu was not for, took a step back for the first time under Ji Lutian's attack.

"Ji Lutian!" Zhou Shu's pupils constricted. He could tell that something was wrong with Ji Lutian.

"Leave Zhan Jingtao to me," Ji Lutian growled. "Go help the others!"

As he spoke, his strength soared again.


Ji Lutian let out a painful roar. His body seemed to be about to explode, and countless wounds split open, blood gushing out.