The Book of Life and Death, Fooling Wu Gang (3)

"Why do you care?" Wu Gang growled. "Give me the Book of Life and Death. Otherwise, I'll destroy this place even if I have to risk my life!"

Wu Gang's eyes were full of madness, and his aura became even more violent.


Cracks began to appear on the ground. A violent wind surged, sweeping up trees and rocks within a radius of thousands of feet…

Wu Gang should be the strongest person Zhou Shu had ever faced. No wonder he had almost killed Zhan Jingtao in the Xuan Ming Heavenly Kingdom.

No wonder he could stop the Xuan Ming Black Emperor in the previous battle.

If Wang E had such strength… Zhou Shu sighed in his heart.

Although Wang E was a little troublesome, he was easier to deal with than Wu Gang.

Wu Gang was like a time bomb that might explode at any moment.

If not for the fact that he was strong enough, Zhou Shu really wanted to chase him out of the ancestral land.