The Final Strike, Killing the Black Emperor (3)

Zhou Shu sneered. A book appeared in his eyes.

Suddenly, the laughter of the Xuan Ming Black Emperor stopped.

A solemn expression appeared on his face.

This was because he sensed an aura from Zhou Shu that made his heart palpitate.


The Legendary Armament Canon that only Zhou Shu could see suddenly burned.

A light blue flame rose, and Zhou Shu's blood vessels seemed to boil.

A bone-deep pain came from Zhou Shu's body.

His body trembled slightly.

The Celestial Thearch Sword rose inch by inch, as if it weighed millions of kilograms.

"Divine weapons, come!" Zhou Shu let out a deep shout.


Suddenly, a soft sound sounded in the ears of the Black Emperor.

His expression changed slightly, and then his pupils suddenly contracted.

Under the reflection of his pupils, specks of starlight shot over from all directions.

Connate divine weapons!