Skills to Live Off, Capturing Assassins (3)

"Village Chief, these are the lords of the main family. They're looking for the assassin. I brought them back to capture the assassin!" Dong Ergou said loudly.

"What assassin?! How can there be an assassin in our village!" the village chief said loudly.

"You're the village chief?" The leading knight snorted. "It's not up to you to decide if there's an assassin or not."

He didn't take the village chief seriously at all and said coldly, "Dong Ergou, lead the way."

"Lord, please." Dong Ergou nodded and bowed. "Peng Jiuyuan's house isn't far…"

"Lord!" The village chief took a step forward and said in a deep voice, "Although Peng Jiuyuan has a different surname, he has lived in our Boundary Bridge Village for decades. His background is clean. It's impossible for him to be an assassin."

He looked at the knights and felt a little afraid, but he still gathered his courage.