Aria is currently one of the most well known Yowtube vloggers of her generation. Better known as AC, her InstaJam, and Yowtube channel AsCist101 has over 9.6million followers and subscribers. Aria’s content aimst to assist her viewers in catching up with what’s the current trend, funny parodies and pranks, as well as reaction and travel diaries. Though the majority of her success lies in her sassy and interesting personality. Okay, so maybe her connections in the entertainment industry as well as using his past experience from university as a columnist have a part in that too.
Henry, on the other hand, is one of the most famous heartthrobs ruling the current scene. His status as one of the hottest playboys has always caused his name to be on the front cover of M.E.M(Most Entertaining Men) Times, along with a picture of an equally popular woman. It always drives his manager crazy, but due to the publicity it gives to his projects, such as movies, dramas, and new advertisements, he can only give the actor a light scolding. All of the actor's projects do all end up successful, so maybe his escapades as the front page cover of every gossip magazine aren’t all bad.