
Everyone, how is your day going? Tobi hopes it's been all good and if it's not then it will become better.

Today there are a few things Tobi wanted to inform you, readers, about:

1) The Naruto arc is very close to ending! and a new line for the lore is about to be released soon as well so for the readers, Tobi wants to ask since the MC does not have much of a role to play right now do you all wish for a time skip? if not Tobi will continue to write all the events that happened in Naruto till the war arc.

1. Time skip!

2. No Kingu Krimson UwU

2) As for the second thing as you may have noticed the romance arcs are also coming with the main girl being introduced(Yuki) so for the love life Tobi wanted to make a poll.

1. The overprotective( Only Yuki)

2. I will only allow this much because I want you to be loved as well (A small harem of 2-4 girls)

3. Young Master and the Jade beauties ( Probably after the end of the story Harem of 10+ girls)

Forgot to add this one as well sorry about that fellow readers.

Poll for the next world! :

1) One Piece!

2) OC world!

3) DxD!

4) Demon Slayer!

Also leave reviews on the book it helps in Tobi's clout promotion!