Chapter 27: The Start of the End(part-1)

"Pops this one is for you, it is from the Crimson Oni Sanemi" A huge, muscular man with a large mouth, small eyes, a downward pointed nose, high cheekbones, and thin, arched eyebrows.

He also had dark hair pulled back in a braided ponytail, a gray beard, and chest hair. He wears a gray vest, and has purple tattoos of Shirohige's Jolly Roger on both of his deltoids, right over two pairs of yellow armbands he wears.

He approached Shirohige as he presented a Den-Den Mushi to him. Shirohige raised his left eye with a little curiosity as picked up the Den-Den Mushi which was like a toy in his palms.

"Long time no see Old Man, I hope you haven't kicked the bucket yet?" Sanemi's voice came from the other side.

"Gurarararara! It seems that you have grown some balls since we last met. Me growing old? Gurarararara!" Shirohige exclaimed as he let out a burst of loud laughter.

"Marines interrupted the match, so it was more of a tie than anything" Sanemi responded.

"On that topic, I have some news regarding your son. What was his name again? Gol D. Ace. " Sanemi said.

"How do you know about that brat?" Shirohige's face turned into a surprised one as he heard Sanemi's words.

"The marines have already figured it out. Teach one of your old crew members has already captured Ace and is about to sell him to the marines for the position of a war-lord. " Sanemi responded.

"Those marine bastards! They think they can just trade MY SON!" Shirohige roared in rage as he punched the air with his open hand releasing a shockwave.

"It seems that marines are planning to start a war to kill one of the Yonko...Shirohige, at the time of war I will send my men to assist you and will save the life of your son...under one condition" Sanemi's voice came from the other end.

"Gurarararara! You think I would need help from someone who ran away from the marines and the world? I am Shirohige!" Shirohige exclaimed loudly.

"Rahahahhahahha! You are joking well for someone of your age-old man. I am lending you a helping hand to repay my debt. As for running away. I was just building the foundations for a new era...a new world" Sanemi's voice came from the side filled with nothing but confidence.

"Gurararara. You have me interested brat, what is your condition?" Shirohige asked with a huge grin.

"I already know what you will do in the Marineford. Your have it already decided for you. After the conflict. I want the Shirohige Pirates!" Sanemi said out loud.

"Gurara. GurARARA. GURARARARARARA!!" " You have confidence brat! Very well then! I accept this!" Shirohige exclaimed out loud as the deal between the old and the new generation got set in stone.

"Phase one of the plans was been set in stone, now we only need to follow this path," Sanemi said as he turned towards the Heavenly Kings and Commanders.

"Start preparations, gather your men, and supply the boats. In fifteen days you will meet Shirohige as planned. Do not mess this up" Sanemi said as he left the room.

"Captain sure has become quite serious after the incident," Leon commented as he saw Sanemi leave and close the door behind him.

"Spare me the chit-chat. I will be the representative for the talk with Shirohige do not try to open your mouth unnecessarily" Anne said as she glared towards Leon and then left the room.

"What? I did nothing wrong" Leon said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Last time you tried to talk with someone properly was when you were three and were unable to hold a proper conversation" Lewin commented as he slumped in his seat.

"What did you say, you bastard!" Leon yelled.


Huge white ship with the head in the shape of a cachalot. The ship had multiple cannons on both sides along with light blue stripes. The flag of the Shirohige pirates was raised as it stood proudly at the top of the ship.

Approaching Moby Dick was another ship. Clad in completed black the ship was heavily armed with multiple cannons along with it. The ship was followed by two others as they had the same flag raised at the top. The flags were completely black with no symbols or indication. Just black flags that fluttered in the winds.

"Pops, It seems that our guests have arrived" A tall, lean, muscular, blond-haired man with a rather sleepy look on his face and some stubble around his chin. He was wearing an open purple jacket and a light blue sash adorned with an elaborate golden-yellow belt around his waist.

'It seems that brat is not here...interesting' Shirohige thought as he did not sense Sanemi's presence anywhere on the three ships.

Anne using a small boat approached Moby Dick. She was wearing her normal clothes that consisted of a black Dobokalong with red belts and outlines.

She entered the Moby Dick and walked towards Shirohige carrying a large barrel of sake. She slowly approached Shirohige who was connected to some medical equipment.

"Who the hell are you supposed to be?" Shirohige asked as he looked towards Anne.

"I am Mary Anne, previously leader of the third division of Oni Pirates, and now one of the Heavenly Kings of the Yuyami," Anne said as she gave an introduction and passed the wine barrel towards Shirohige.

"I remember, you fought quite fiercely against some of my sons back in the day," Shirhige said after the thought for a while.

"Sanemi-sama gives his best regards and hopes that the conditions for the deal are fulfilled. I along with three commanders of the Yuyami will escort and assist you in fighting against the marines while the rest of the Heavenly Kings and Commanders will join the fight shortly after." Anne said.

"Tell the brat the deal is set in stone there is no need to worry. I always keep my word" Shirohige stated as he opened the barrel and started drinking from it.

"In that case, my job, for now, is done, our ships are ready just inform us when we need to move," Anne said as she left.

"She has some sass" Curiel commented.

"Wasn't she the one who beat your ass at the war?" Haruta asked with a smirk.

"It seems that Oni pirates, or should I say Yuyami are going to become a lot more serious...deaths dose brings changes inside people in unexpected manners," Marco said as he jumped on the deck.

"Also, Pops, what was all that about the deal?" Marco asked as turned towards Shirohige.

"You will know in all due time, now then we need to set sail to save Ace," Shirohige said as he removed the medical equipment attached to him.


The day of the execution of Portgass D. Ace arrived as the Marineford got ready. Marineford is where not only marines but thier families reside as well, for today the whole Marineford was emptied ass the citizens were escorted and marines were in the frontline.

The whole scenario was broadcasted in Sabody Archipelago with the help of Den-Den Mushi's. Citizens were gathered around the screens which displayed the might and power of the Marines who were ready to tackle each and everything in thier way today.

The marine's forces consisted of Fleet Admiral: Sengoku, Marine Hero: Garp, Admiral: Kuzan, Admiral: Kizaru, Admiral: Akainu. Along with the Admirals were none other than the warlords of the sea, Strongest Sword's Man: Dracule Mihawk, Heavenly Demon: Donquioxte Doflamingo, Pirate Princess: Boa Hancock, and Tyrant: Bartholomew Kuma!

Time ticked as there was left only three hours till the execution of Portgas D. Ace yet no sight of Shirohige Pirates could be seen anywhere. People began to whisper around that Shirohige might not come due to his old age.

"It seems that he is really not going to come~," Kizaru said in a lazy tone.

"Shirohige is nothing but a relic of the past, even if he does appear we will take him down," Akainu said.

As soon as those words left Akainu's mouth the water in front of Marineford started to tremble. Air abubble started to appear vigorously as a shadow could be seen.

The shadow shot out of the water as it revealed itself in the sunlight. Moby Dick! surrounded by its allies Shirohige Pirates have made thier appearance!

"That that the black pearl!"

"Don't tell me, Oni Pirates Joined hands with Shirohige!"

"It's like fighting two emperors at once!"

A little panic started to appear among the marines as they noticed the ship clad in black.

"Did he really join Shirhige?" Kuzan muttered as he looked towards the ship.

"That is not Black Pearl, Just some poser," Akainu said, while fighting on the island of Rising Sun he had seen the Black Pearl and this looked nothing like it.

Anne along with the Commanders of Yuyami appeared on board as Shirohige too made his appearance.

"That is Blitz Anne! She is said to be one of most ferocious pirates without a devil fruit ability!"

"I heard that she can produce shockwaves and stand up to an Admiral!"

"Not only that but Wild King Leon as well! He is one of the Division Leaders of Oni Pirates!"

"Once he is on the battlefield rarely does anyone survive! Like a beast, he likes to kill for sport!"

"Imani and Jagger of the Oni Pirates are present as well! It seems that Oni Pirates are really to join the fight!"

"Pops!!" Ace yelled as soon as he saw his father standing on the deck.

"Sengoku! I hope you have been treating my son right" Shirohige yelled as he stood on the deck with his Bisento by his side.

"Pops! why are you here! I deserve this!" Ace yelled as tears dwelled in his eyes.

"You are my son! I never abandon family!" Shirohige yelled in response as he slammed his Bisento on the deck.

"Only four division leaders of Oni Pirates? did they break up?" Tsuru muttered as she looked towards thier opponents.

Shirohige closed his eyes as he took in a deep breath. In a quick moment, he crossed his arms and then released them punching the air around him.

Cracks appeared in the air where he punched as a massive shockwave was released. The shockwave traveled to the sea causing two giant tsunamis to sandwich the Marineford.

Kuzan with his quick thinking and reflexes jumped from his seat and used his devil fruit powers to create icicle-like objects from his palms which connected to the water waves freezing them.

"Everyone! Charge!" John the giant yelled as both the forces charged towards each other with their weapons ready. The war of the Marine against Shirohige has finally started!