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The ocean breathed,her surface rising and falling with rhythmic ease. The waves became her pulse that day,the echo of like a thousand souls,she kept save in her cradle of brine.

I wonder if I would have ever notice the water,had I been born in the ocean with fins for limbs. I suppose then it would have been my air and I would have moved within it more easily than a bird in the sky. As it is,I love to dive within those salty formless arms and feel the freedom it gives,transparent and blue soft and strong. The water was gentle as I waded through it,the sunset like orange paint on a blue canvas




The beautiful sky is in my mothers eyes,it is the light that gracefully dances in the inbetween, the precious time when night is susprende.

Coming to the beach at night is somethingsheh loved to do. The ocean is at peace at night time. Its a place where silence is key,the ocean opens up ones mind and soul to bring inner peace. It can heal the most haunted person,calm the most broken person. Secrets are kept save in every silenced wave. The anger of a thousand souls,whom came here to rest Love could be felt just by touching the soothing sea sand,as the wind change direction.

Yes,love I can feel it when I sit here and think of my mother. She has calmed my heart so many people.

With her gentle voice tone,her voice brings a calmness towards you. With every silence that has been broken by the gentleness of her voice has brought healing towards many people.

All of the lines on my face are the stories of where I've been.

I've climb the mountain hights,hiked the desserts. You see the smile on my face don't know the amount of words that don't came out right. All my friends think I'm blessed but they don't know what a mess my head is. With everything coming and going you don't know if your coming nor going.

I wish somebody could see the pain through my eyes,tough every broken peace of my heart. See the blood in my eyes,pain in my pride. see the gilt behind the smile.Through my pain that rise and fall God was my only friend. These are the words of a women that always looked strong but in the silence of the night would sit and pray for her children.

Through everything ive been running wild trying to find my way in this life,like the roars of a thousand angry waves rising and falling like angry demons on a stormy night with hard rainfall in the middle of ocean...alone and confused.

Upon turning 15 years of age. She felt so lost.

The awkward begin of puberty, was enough is gross her out and make her want to run away.

As phaysical changes became very real,Harmon's took over.

Although she has received the speach of life. She still felt the urge to go out into the real world and explore

While dreaming of the big city's with shining lights,open views,music and living in the moment with people who live like there are no tomorrow.

They've been living in the Eastern Cape for many months. For her sadly she has not yet made any friends what so ever.

Insecurity took over her mind and she started making impulsive decisions.

She started to make up her mind,no matter what she was going to try and make this work.

Kylie was her niece. She had those beautiful, orange curls,just gently flowing down towards her lower spin. With eyes as beautiful and striking as the night sky like a thiusand shimmering stars,she have always got everything she desired.

Bad boys was her weakness.

They scooped her up like a rose puddle that blossomed in the summer time and turned her into a peace of bad news everytime. Still she couldn't stay away.

Sadly bad news did spread like wild fire through the small rustic town of Humansdorp ,the surrounding district in the Eastern Cape of South Africa with a population of around 29,000 in 2011.

You would think that news as such would not break out as quickly, but believe me ,it did.

Although she knew of her rebellious acts. She was also drowned towards the fast lifestyle.

Boys,booze and long burning cigarettes.

"What's up girl? Ive got an surprise for you and please don't over think this one" Kylie said with a wide smile.

"Hmmm,what are you upto,Kylie? You know I'm not into surprises"

"Okay,I'll just cut to the chase,you know Jason's partner in crime Michael?" Kylie said still smiling so wide,that I can count her all to perfect white teeth.

With a moment trying to collect my thoughts, I could recall Michael.

The sexy dark brown haired,tall,slender hunk,that has all the towns girls falling over their feet for.

"Michael Page, you mean?"

"Yes,you've just hit the nail with the hammer,Michael Page,the sexy hunk. Well he is really into you and wants to meet you tonight at Jason's house!" Kylie replied in over excitement.

"But isn't Michael like in his deep 20's? Because I don't want to be with someone who could of been my father"!

With a speck of disappointment in Kylie's eyes she replied with a smile

" Yes,he is into his deep 20's ,but does it really matter when there is a sparks between the two of you?"

Kylie chunked.

"A spark? "

suddenly I busted out with a loud,snorkelling laugh.

Oh,my word just the thought of dating an older man,made me feel so dirty,

But hey why not give it a shot,she though .

"Okey,I'll meet him,but if I see that its time to walk away,your going to let it go,okey?"

At an instant Kylie jumped up with excitement, hugging me until it felt like my ribbs were going to crack.

" You should go and get ready,I'll meet you at your house at about an hour" Kylie,playfully pushed me out the door and with a playful giggle she waved me off.

The deep green shallow grass,still half wet from the rainy night before,beautifully complimented the bright pink and bright purple petals swayed lazily and free with the soft ,gentle breeze that carried the fresh scent of a million of meadows and grassy lands.

On the right stood the shadowy, creaking, ran down windmill. Rusted of age and the saltley air of the ocean. Standing hundreds of hours in the blistering,boiling sun,the poor windmill has age and let forgotten. Sadness could be felt by looking at the lonely old mindmill,such is life I thought to myself.

With every step on the dusty road,pebbles shattered under under my golden,sparkel sandels. The dust made beautiful waves such as dancing around her naked ankels.

She truly love this extraordinary little town. No matter were you walked or drove,you can hear the chirping of the birds,parrots and pigeon's were flying from one branch to another.

The fragrance of sweet aroma smelling flowers filled her mind with a freshness,which can not be compated to anything to anything ive ever experienced.

The sunlight gently covered her light, rosesh ,pinkish skin.

The wind gently brushed through the pure golden curly locks with gentle brushes against her thin shaped back.

Every moment upon closing her eyes,sound became distant,light whispers of people working on there beautiful,over-packed gardens.

Oh,the smell of fresh flowers over took ones sense's. The desire of laying softly between the blossomed flowers was so tempting.

Arriving home from her peaceful walk from Kylie's house.

She greeted her mother with a soft kiss on her cheek while she stood in the kitchen making her all to famous soft bread with fresh baked eggs and a steaming hot cup of brew. Dressed all to cute in her oversized black sweater and cream style T-shirt,hair all taken into a bun. She could wear a black bag and still look a billion dollars. While making my way down the hall,hearing kids softly giggle.

With a gentle tone greeting my brother and sister as they where playing silently on the bright green carpet our father bought at Christmas time

,during the cold winter the tiles would peer's your toes like a thousand needle all at ones. Thank goodness her father decided to buy this warm and fuzzy carpet after he had to under go a horrible kidney infection due to walking on freezing cold tiles in the cold heart winter.

Falling onto her unmade bed. Her ankels felt stiff from the long walk home. Laying,staring at the ceiling,excitement filled her heart. Dark desires overwhelmed her mind. For long she wondered how would strong,musicale arms feel around her tiny waist. Soft,gentle lips filling her's. The sexuale attraction taking over ones body,the dark desires between man and women. Would he be the one? Tonight will be her revelation.

Her deepest,darkest desires may not be something she's ready nor willing to admit to,as for her it only dwells in her thoughts and dreams,haunting and tormenting her every single night.

If anything,all the shame,fear and depression only makes these desires stronger,if not conflicted.

She has hidden,shadow desires for things that are- from some perspectives considered immoral or unethical.

Young and thriving up comers, shamefully hide these dark desires from our parents and most of all society.

She grow up in a Christen style home,where such things were not allowed. Everything seemed so perfect,where her dark thoughts came from she would never know.

Her father once told her.

" My sweet young daughter,listen closely to what I'm teaching you. Don't wave off what your mother tells you. What we teach you will bring a beautiful crown of kindness upon your head and a rose necklace of deep loving kind acts. My daughter if the people from the dark try to overpower your mind ,step away. Dont even think about it nor over think it, they would say to you," came with us,we will make your deepste and darkste desires come to life" ,but don't let them fool you,they would lay a man down and murder him. Soon your will be pulled into the darkness where you shall be alone. They make you disappear like those in abandon graves ,over grow with dead grass and flower without peddles. Take these words into account my child,and learn from them".

As she left with the words of wisdom from her father. She stood dressed in some wild cutted,dark blue jeans ,which sat tight around thighs and a black glittering mini top,which was just low enough to cover.

Being the older sister to a little brother and sister was a really big job and most of all to crazy sometimes. Having to pretend to be perfect all the time was just so hard.

School grades had to be perfect,even at sports I had to up my game.

Just to think that one mistake I made would have shown them how terrible I really was at being the oldest.

I will be liying if I said it was a walk in the park,because it was not so slidy.

Three loud knocks on the door. Its time she though.

"Oh my gosh,girl! You look amazing,Michael will love what his about to see''. Wide eyed and bright smiled Kylie greeted my parents.

"Yah,yah,I just hope tonight will go smooth,you know. Has Michael arrived yet at the house?"

"Yes,according to Jason,Michael came a whole hour early,can you believe it. That a man can be so nerves? " Kylie replied pleased.

"I'm just so worried that he changes his mind or we are left in a awkward position"

"Don't you warry about a thing!"

Kylie like always looked like she was going to magical princess ball or something. With bright pink sparkled heels,that could blind a perfect healthy person and a silk black dress. She was about to make a really good impression. Even though she and Jason have been dating for months on end. She still felt the need to go all out.

She was really nerves. She played the whole scene over and over in her head of how this could play out tonight.

The air was light,with sparkling,twinkling stars above and a smooth yet soothing breeze brushing in between her hair. She felt so free in the moment.

Minutes felt like hours, finally arriving at

Jason's house.

Her ears felt tired of all the chattering from Kylie about how excited she was that Michael and Amri, was going to be the small towns hottest couple. Michael stood on the porch waiting.

It got so hard to breathe, as her eyes fell upon his bulging arms and his smooth toned voice. Her knee's became weak,gravity took her by force. Feeling overwhelmed, her heart started beating faster and faster until her chest felt like it was about to explode.

Kylie jump right by her towards Jason.

Leaving her hopeless alone in the silent breezed night with Michael.

Kylie and Jason chukkeling towards the front door. Their voices became distended

"Well you are so much more beautiful and sweet as I remembered"

Michael said as he gently stroked her red hot blushed cheek.

Feeling even more hopeless and weak.

"Your not so bad yourself ,Mr.Page"

With a hint of shy ness Michael came a bit closer until she could feel his breathe on her face. The sweet smell of fresh toothpaste and his luxurious,woody perfume, took her by storm.

She pulled away in a awkward position. Not knowing what to do she just grabbed his hand.

" you know the walk was far I'd really love something to drink if you don't mind me asking?" Feeling completely out of place and very honestly uncomfortable.

Michael seemed disappointed, "of course anythime you want,darling. I'll check with Jason to see what he has,you just sit tight".

Watching Michael disappear into the house towards the kitchen. She knew she had to make a gentle move because all the nerves in her body tells her that he is the one. She could have real a change with.

Just moments later Michael comes walking up towards her with to cups of soothing hot coffee and hands her a cup.

Holding the warm cup in between her hands. She finely got something to use as an distraction away from this smooth taking man.

Moving closer with every closed subject . He finely reached her kniee by kniee. The warmth of his skin could be felt through his navy blue jeans. Spiked through her's,warming her whole body. Sending heat waves across her entire body and soul. Spotting the dark lust in his dark brown eyes. She was taken to a place of peace and calmness.

But all at the same time,a sexuale chaos with deep dark desires was bidding behind those beautiful eyes.

His touch weakened her every second,as if her body just gave into his only by his tough.

He bent back my head across his strong arm and kissed her with so much desire and lust. Sudden heat from his lips shatterd every last single bite of energy that is still left in her body. In all truth she had not invited this prodigy of a tongue; turning. She had merely wished to look at his attractive lips,expecting only that the expression of aesthetic delight she might find there would correspond to what she knew was her own. But she did not even catch a glimpse of his face,so instantaneous and urgent was that tongue. Plunged like some writhing sea-shape into her gaping maw,it all but overpowered her senses asnit sought some unreachable terminus near her uvula: she's certain that at least once it turned upside down the power in itself to force her or somehow get her back,against a doorjamb, where she looked helpless with her eyes clenched shut,in a trance of tongue. Being here with him was all she wanted.

Yes,she want him now.

Pushing his perfect hands across her body. Mourning in his embrace.

Begging for more.

"Oh,Michael take my heart and soul" mounting as he softly kisses my jawline with his left hand rubbing gently through my hair,rocking my head to the right side as a hot and passionate moment broke of our tongues fast but so furiously swang from side to side.

Michael pulled back for a moment as he looked me in my eyes. As they were filled with lust and longing.

"I know we just met.....but....my body has never been so out of control.

Its like I'm being taken over by a demon...your body heat overwhelmed me....my manly in stinks are screaming inside my head".

" Hush Michael....ssshhhh.... I am your for the taking. Take me and make me yours....although I am still a virgin...


Michael lifted her chin with his lift hand. Urgent yet kindhearted look upon his face.

The nightlight made his eyes look more caring and gentle....

"I could never take your innocence!"

Michael turned away from her.

Fear kicked in,with a sudden blink. She jumped onto Michael's lap.

Holding him tight in her arms,dreaming that this moment would never end. Never has she met a man that could make her feel so save within a few hours.

His gentle tough was all she needed to feel wanted. The pureness of his heart was so rare to find in this broken world.

"If your willing to give me your innocence, then at least let me do it the right way. With candle light and some rose peddles. You'll also need to prepare yourself for the moment".

" I'll willing give myself to you,Michael your the man I've been waiting for,I'll not spare a moment longer without you!".

As the rest of the evening was spent looking at the starlight,she wondered how her first night would feel like,laying in his strong embrace .... Naked on a summer night. With nothing to hide nor a care in the world. They are made for each other. That is what she was shore of.

A sudden giggle came from inside the house as Jason and Kylie walk through the door of front door,hugging each other.

Spotting that Kylie had other clothes on something more proper for a sleep over.

"Hey,girl came let's get some hot chocolate!"

Kylie all blushed up,probly from all that kissing and goodness knows what els!.

Kylie hooking in from the lift,Kylie and Amri walked towards the open plan kitchen.

The beautiful brown wooden cabinets have the most luxurious shine to them.

Everything standing so perfectly and neat,to think a man lives here,made a giggle. She always though only girls was this neat. But hey,times have changed.

Moving to the lift of the kitchen towards the kettle ,Kylie slid tightly next to her

"U want me to spoil?"

A sarcastic low tone

Kylie's eyes flicked up and looked her in the eyes,side smiled.

"No need to be rude...Amri!

Kylie was already moving towards the other side of the island.

" I'm sorry Kylie,your always so bossy.

Not that I always mind" giving her that naughtiness look.

Kylie knew by an instant that i am just pulling her leg.

"may i?"

"Yes,you may! But I need to confess first.

I lied to my mom and I feel so bad that I did"

Kylie almost broke down laughing, but she knows how I feel when she does that.

"So what did you lie about ? What ever it was about I am shore that you and your mom will figure it out"

"No Kylie! You don't understand,I lied about where I was going tonight. I told my mom that I coming to your house for a movie night and instead I come to meet a man that are 10 years older then me. On top of it all I'm inlove with him! What am I going to do!?"

Dropping her head on the counter top,tears start to flow from her eyes. Sudden sadness came over her.

She'd never enjoyed lying to her mother,but sometime she does just not understand that she needs to learn on her own. If she don't fall in and out of love then how will she ever know how it feels to get her heart broken or how it would feel to be totally over her head in love with someone. What if this world ends tomorrow, or if she die's. What will she say? That she never took a chance on love? That she never jumped into some crazy situation and never learned how to survive? Although she's still so young. She need to know what all these grownups things feel like so that she may one day be prepared for what is to come.

"Oh no,Amri! You mom are going to be so mad at us both if she has to find out that you lied and most off all she will prevent us from seeing each other. But,even so why would you lie? "

Kylie looking a bite confused

Taking all her energy to reply without crying

" I just didn't want to make a bad impression towards Michael. My mother would of never let me became if she knew what we were up to. Besides I have asked Michael to take my innocence..."

Wide eyed Kylie are just starring straight at her..like she has never saw another human in her life.

Being a virgin is a joke in High school. There everybody talks about their date nights and how they were taken.

Here she still in love with barbie!

For fucks sake!! Barbie!!

What the hell!

She'd never even seen a penis in her life to begin with. Not even touched it and these bitches has sucked them like the worlds supply of lollipops have been shipped off the fucking China!

Kylie hugged her closely.

Finishing the hot chocolate, they walked towards the front of the house.

As the guys sat infront of the big screen tv, watching the late repeat of yesterdays rugby match. The smell of hot chocolate got their attention.

Giggling girls,sweet warm hot chocolate, boys and rugby,this night was something to never forget

The ocean breathed,her surface rising and falling with rhythmic ease. The waves became her pulse that day,the echo of like a thousand souls,she kept save in her cradle of brine.

I wonder if I would have ever notice the water,had I been born in the ocean with fins for limbs. I suppose then it would have been my air and I would have moved within it more easily than a bird in the sky. As it is,I love to dive within those salty formless arms and feel the freedom it gives,transparent and blue soft and strong. The water was gentle as I waded through it,the sunset like orange paint on a blue canvas




The beautiful sky is in my mothers eyes,it is the light that gracefully dances in the inbetween, the precious time when night is susprende.

Coming to the beach at night is somethingsheh loved to do. The ocean is at peace at night time. Its a place where silence is key,the ocean opens up ones mind and soul to bring inner peace. It can heal the most haunted person,calm the most broken person. Secrets are kept save in every silenced wave. The anger of a thousand souls,whom came here to rest Love could be felt just by touching the soothing sea sand,as the wind change direction.

Yes,love I can feel it when I sit here and think of my mother. She has calmed my heart so many people.

With her gentle voice tone,her voice brings a calmness towards you. With every silence that has been broken by the gentleness of her voice has brought healing towards many people.

All of the lines on my face are the stories of where I've been.

I've climb the mountain hights,hiked the desserts. You see the smile on my face don't know the amount of words that don't came out right. All my friends think I'm blessed but they don't know what a mess my head is. With everything coming and going you don't know if your coming nor going.

I wish somebody could see the pain through my eyes,tough every broken peace of my heart. See the blood in my eyes,pain in my pride. see the gilt behind the smile.Through my pain that rise and fall God was my only friend. These are the words of a women that always looked strong but in the silence of the night would sit and pray for her children.

Through everything ive been running wild trying to find my way in this life,like the roars of a thousand angry waves rising and falling like angry demons on a stormy night with hard rainfall in the middle of ocean...alone and confused.

Upon turning 15 years of age. She felt so lost.

The awkward begin of puberty, was enough is gross her out and make her want to run away.

As phaysical changes became very real,Harmon's took over.

Although she has received the speach of life. She still felt the urge to go out into the real world and explore

While dreaming of the big city's with shining lights,open views,music and living in the moment with people who live like there are no tomorrow.

They've been living in the Eastern Cape for many months. For her sadly she has not yet made any friends what so ever.

Insecurity took over her mind and she started making impulsive decisions.

She started to make up her mind,no matter what she was going to try and make this work.

Kylie was her niece. She had those beautiful, orange curls,just gently flowing down towards her lower spin. With eyes as beautiful and striking as the night sky like a thiusand shimmering stars,she have always got everything she desired.

Bad boys was her weakness.

They scooped her up like a rose puddle that blossomed in the summer time and turned her into a peace of bad news everytime. Still she couldn't stay away.

Sadly bad news did spread like wild fire through the small rustic town of Humansdorp ,the surrounding district in the Eastern Cape of South Africa with a population of around 29,000 in 2011.

You would think that news as such would not break out as quickly, but believe me ,it did.

Although she knew of her rebellious acts. She was also drowned towards the fast lifestyle.

Boys,booze and long burning cigarettes.

"What's up girl? Ive got an surprise for you and please don't over think this one" Kylie said with a wide smile.

"Hmmm,what are you upto,Kylie? You know I'm not into surprises"

"Okay,I'll just cut to the chase,you know Jason's partner in crime Michael?" Kylie said still smiling so wide,that I can count her all to perfect white teeth.

With a moment trying to collect my thoughts, I could recall Michael.

The sexy dark brown haired,tall,slender hunk,that has all the towns girls falling over their feet for.

"Michael Page, you mean?"

"Yes,you've just hit the nail with the hammer,Michael Page,the sexy hunk. Well he is really into you and wants to meet you tonight at Jason's house!" Kylie replied in over excitement.

"But isn't Michael like in his deep 20's? Because I don't want to be with someone who could of been my father"!

With a speck of disappointment in Kylie's eyes she replied with a smile

" Yes,he is into his deep 20's ,but does it really matter when there is a sparks between the two of you?"

Kylie chunked.

"A spark? "

suddenly I busted out with a loud,snorkelling laugh.

Oh,my word just the thought of dating an older man,made me feel so dirty,

But hey why not give it a shot,she though .

"Okey,I'll meet him,but if I see that its time to walk away,your going to let it go,okey?"

At an instant Kylie jumped up with excitement, hugging me until it felt like my ribbs were going to crack.

" You should go and get ready,I'll meet you at your house at about an hour" Kylie,playfully pushed me out the door and with a playful giggle she waved me off.

The deep green shallow grass,still half wet from the rainy night before,beautifully complimented the bright pink and bright purple petals swayed lazily and free with the soft ,gentle breeze that carried the fresh scent of a million of meadows and grassy lands.

On the right stood the shadowy, creaking, ran down windmill. Rusted of age and the saltley air of the ocean. Standing hundreds of hours in the blistering,boiling sun,the poor windmill has age and let forgotten. Sadness could be felt by looking at the lonely old mindmill,such is life I thought to myself.

With every step on the dusty road,pebbles shattered under under my golden,sparkel sandels. The dust made beautiful waves such as dancing around her naked ankels.

She truly love this extraordinary little town. No matter were you walked or drove,you can hear the chirping of the birds,parrots and pigeon's were flying from one branch to another.

The fragrance of sweet aroma smelling flowers filled her mind with a freshness,which can not be compated to anything to anything ive ever experienced.

The sunlight gently covered her light, rosesh ,pinkish skin.

The wind gently brushed through the pure golden curly locks with gentle brushes against her thin shaped back.

Every moment upon closing her eyes,sound became distant,light whispers of people working on there beautiful,over-packed gardens.

Oh,the smell of fresh flowers over took ones sense's. The desire of laying softly between the blossomed flowers was so tempting.

Arriving home from her peaceful walk from Kylie's house.

She greeted her mother with a soft kiss on her cheek while she stood in the kitchen making her all to famous soft bread with fresh baked eggs and a steaming hot cup of brew. Dressed all to cute in her oversized black sweater and cream style T-shirt,hair all taken into a bun. She could wear a black bag and still look a billion dollars. While making my way down the hall,hearing kids softly giggle.

With a gentle tone greeting my brother and sister as they where playing silently on the bright green carpet our father bought at Christmas time

,during the cold winter the tiles would peer's your toes like a thousand needle all at ones. Thank goodness her father decided to buy this warm and fuzzy carpet after he had to under go a horrible kidney infection due to walking on freezing cold tiles in the cold heart winter.

Falling onto her unmade bed. Her ankels felt stiff from the long walk home. Laying,staring at the ceiling,excitement filled her heart. Dark desires overwhelmed her mind. For long she wondered how would strong,musicale arms feel around her tiny waist. Soft,gentle lips filling her's. The sexuale attraction taking over ones body,the dark desires between man and women. Would he be the one? Tonight will be her revelation.

Her deepest,darkest desires may not be something she's ready nor willing to admit to,as for her it only dwells in her thoughts and dreams,haunting and tormenting her every single night.

If anything,all the shame,fear and depression only makes these desires stronger,if not conflicted.

She has hidden,shadow desires for things that are- from some perspectives considered immoral or unethical.

Young and thriving up comers, shamefully hide these dark desires from our parents and most of all society.

She grow up in a Christen style home,where such things were not allowed. Everything seemed so perfect,where her dark thoughts came from she would never know.

Her father once told her.

" My sweet young daughter,listen closely to what I'm teaching you. Don't wave off what your mother tells you. What we teach you will bring a beautiful crown of kindness upon your head and a rose necklace of deep loving kind acts. My daughter if the people from the dark try to overpower your mind ,step away. Dont even think about it nor over think it, they would say to you," came with us,we will make your deepste and darkste desires come to life" ,but don't let them fool you,they would lay a man down and murder him. Soon your will be pulled into the darkness where you shall be alone. They make you disappear like those in abandon graves ,over grow with dead grass and flower without peddles. Take these words into account my child,and learn from them".

As she left with the words of wisdom from her father. She stood dressed in some wild cutted,dark blue jeans ,which sat tight around thighs and a black glittering mini top,which was just low enough to cover.

Being the older sister to a little brother and sister was a really big job and most of all to crazy sometimes. Having to pretend to be perfect all the time was just so hard.

School grades had to be perfect,even at sports I had to up my game.

Just to think that one mistake I made would have shown them how terrible I really was at being the oldest.

I will be liying if I said it was a walk in the park,because it was not so slidy.

Three loud knocks on the door. Its time she though.

"Oh my gosh,girl! You look amazing,Michael will love what his about to see''. Wide eyed and bright smiled Kylie greeted my parents.

"Yah,yah,I just hope tonight will go smooth,you know. Has Michael arrived yet at the house?"

"Yes,according to Jason,Michael came a whole hour early,can you believe it. That a man can be so nerves? " Kylie replied pleased.

"I'm just so worried that he changes his mind or we are left in a awkward position"

"Don't you warry about a thing!"

Kylie like always looked like she was going to magical princess ball or something. With bright pink sparkled heels,that could blind a perfect healthy person and a silk black dress. She was about to make a really good impression. Even though she and Jason have been dating for months on end. She still felt the need to go all out.

She was really nerves. She played the whole scene over and over in her head of how this could play out tonight.

The air was light,with sparkling,twinkling stars above and a smooth yet soothing breeze brushing in between her hair. She felt so free in the moment.

Minutes felt like hours, finally arriving at

Jason's house.

Her ears felt tired of all the chattering from Kylie about how excited she was that Michael and Amri, was going to be the small towns hottest couple. Michael stood on the porch waiting.

It got so hard to breathe, as her eyes fell upon his bulging arms and his smooth toned voice. Her knee's became weak,gravity took her by force. Feeling overwhelmed, her heart started beating faster and faster until her chest felt like it was about to explode.

Kylie jump right by her towards Jason.

Leaving her hopeless alone in the silent breezed night with Michael.

Kylie and Jason chukkeling towards the front door. Their voices became distended

"Well you are so much more beautiful and sweet as I remembered"

Michael said as he gently stroked her red hot blushed cheek.

Feeling even more hopeless and weak.

"Your not so bad yourself ,Mr.Page"

With a hint of shy ness Michael came a bit closer until she could feel his breathe on her face. The sweet smell of fresh toothpaste and his luxurious,woody perfume, took her by storm.

She pulled away in a awkward position. Not knowing what to do she just grabbed his hand.

" you know the walk was far I'd really love something to drink if you don't mind me asking?" Feeling completely out of place and very honestly uncomfortable.

Michael seemed disappointed, "of course anythime you want,darling. I'll check with Jason to see what he has,you just sit tight".

Watching Michael disappear into the house towards the kitchen. She knew she had to make a gentle move because all the nerves in her body tells her that he is the one. She could have real a change with.

Just moments later Michael comes walking up towards her with to cups of soothing hot coffee and hands her a cup.

Holding the warm cup in between her hands. She finely got something to use as an distraction away from this smooth taking man.

Moving closer with every closed subject . He finely reached her kniee by kniee. The warmth of his skin could be felt through his navy blue jeans. Spiked through her's,warming her whole body. Sending heat waves across her entire body and soul. Spotting the dark lust in his dark brown eyes. She was taken to a place of peace and calmness.

But all at the same time,a sexuale chaos with deep dark desires was bidding behind those beautiful eyes.

His touch weakened her every second,as if her body just gave into his only by his tough.

He bent back my head across his strong arm and kissed her with so much desire and lust. Sudden heat from his lips shatterd every last single bite of energy that is still left in her body. In all truth she had not invited this prodigy of a tongue; turning. She had merely wished to look at his attractive lips,expecting only that the expression of aesthetic delight she might find there would correspond to what she knew was her own. But she did not even catch a glimpse of his face,so instantaneous and urgent was that tongue. Plunged like some writhing sea-shape into her gaping maw,it all but overpowered her senses asnit sought some unreachable terminus near her uvula: she's certain that at least once it turned upside down the power in itself to force her or somehow get her back,against a doorjamb, where she looked helpless with her eyes clenched shut,in a trance of tongue. Being here with him was all she wanted.

Yes,she want him now.

Pushing his perfect hands across her body. Mourning in his embrace.

Begging for more.

"Oh,Michael take my heart and soul" mounting as he softly kisses my jawline with his left hand rubbing gently through my hair,rocking my head to the right side as a hot and passionate moment broke of our tongues fast but so furiously swang from side to side.

Michael pulled back for a moment as he looked me in my eyes. As they were filled with lust and longing.

"I know we just met.....but....my body has never been so out of control.

Its like I'm being taken over by a demon...your body heat overwhelmed me....my manly in stinks are screaming inside my head".

" Hush Michael....ssshhhh.... I am your for the taking. Take me and make me yours....although I am still a virgin...


Michael lifted her chin with his lift hand. Urgent yet kindhearted look upon his face.

The nightlight made his eyes look more caring and gentle....

"I could never take your innocence!"

Michael turned away from her.

Fear kicked in,with a sudden blink. She jumped onto Michael's lap.

Holding him tight in her arms,dreaming that this moment would never end. Never has she met a man that could make her feel so save within a few hours.

His gentle tough was all she needed to feel wanted. The pureness of his heart was so rare to find in this broken world.

"If your willing to give me your innocence, then at least let me do it the right way. With candle light and some rose peddles. You'll also need to prepare yourself for the moment".

" I'll willing give myself to you,Michael your the man I've been waiting for,I'll not spare a moment longer without you!".

As the rest of the evening was spent looking at the starlight,she wondered how her first night would feel like,laying in his strong embrace .... Naked on a summer night. With nothing to hide nor a care in the world. They are made for each other. That is what she was shore of.

A sudden giggle came from inside the house as Jason and Kylie walk through the door of front door,hugging each other.

Spotting that Kylie had other clothes on something more proper for a sleep over.

"Hey,girl came let's get some hot chocolate!"

Kylie all blushed up,probly from all that kissing and goodness knows what els!.

Kylie hooking in from the lift,Kylie and Amri walked towards the open plan kitchen.

The beautiful brown wooden cabinets have the most luxurious shine to them.

Everything standing so perfectly and neat,to think a man lives here,made a giggle. She always though only girls was this neat. But hey,times have changed.

Moving to the lift of the kitchen towards the kettle ,Kylie slid tightly next to her

"U want me to spoil?"

A sarcastic low tone

Kylie's eyes flicked up and looked her in the eyes,side smiled.

"No need to be rude...Amri!

Kylie was already moving towards the other side of the island.

" I'm sorry Kylie,your always so bossy.

Not that I always mind" giving her that naughtiness look.

Kylie knew by an instant that i am just pulling her leg.

"may i?"

"Yes,you may! But I need to confess first.

I lied to my mom and I feel so bad that I did"

Kylie almost broke down laughing, but she knows how I feel when she does that.

"So what did you lie about ? What ever it was about I am shore that you and your mom will figure it out"

"No Kylie! You don't understand,I lied about where I was going tonight. I told my mom that I coming to your house for a movie night and instead I come to meet a man that are 10 years older then me. On top of it all I'm inlove with him! What am I going to do!?"

Dropping her head on the counter top,tears start to flow from her eyes. Sudden sadness came over her.

She'd never enjoyed lying to her mother,but sometime she does just not understand that she needs to learn on her own. If she don't fall in and out of love then how will she ever know how it feels to get her heart broken or how it would feel to be totally over her head in love with someone. What if this world ends tomorrow, or if she die's. What will she say? That she never took a chance on love? That she never jumped into some crazy situation and never learned how to survive? Although she's still so young. She need to know what all these grownups things feel like so that she may one day be prepared for what is to come.

"Oh no,Amri! You mom are going to be so mad at us both if she has to find out that you lied and most off all she will prevent us from seeing each other. But,even so why would you lie? "

Kylie looking a bite confused

Taking all her energy to reply without crying

" I just didn't want to make a bad impression towards Michael. My mother would of never let me became if she knew what we were up to. Besides I have asked Michael to take my innocence..."

Wide eyed Kylie are just starring straight at her..like she has never saw another human in her life.

Being a virgin is a joke in High school. There everybody talks about their date nights and how they were taken.

Here she still in love with barbie!

For fucks sake!! Barbie!!

What the hell!

She'd never even seen a penis in her life to begin with. Not even touched it and these bitches has sucked them like the worlds supply of lollipops have been shipped off the fucking China!

Kylie hugged her closely.

Finishing the hot chocolate, they walked towards the front of the house.

As the guys sat infront of the big screen tv, watching the late repeat of yesterdays rugby match. The smell of hot chocolate got their attention.

Giggling girls,sweet warm hot chocolate, boys and rugby,this night was something to never forget