The Beginning of Life

(I have a Patre0n account called, for those who are interested in reading advanced chapters. Ps: remove the zero and add o

Although Mu Yuan couldn't comprehend, why the world tree sampling couldn't be destroyed by the immense power of the Void, there was no denying its power.

The importance of a world tree to a planet is vital in quelling and separating the rules of the world and consolidating the area around it. In addition, the world tree itself can also transform the planet's environment and create all things, and it has the genetic information of countless races that the world tree has come into contact with from previous users.

Mu Yuan can use the genetic information contained in its inheritance to create organisms native to its genetic coding.

The world tree sapling at this moment in time has not grown to the point of concealing the heavens, and the genes in it don't possess the correct genetic coding to acquire transcendent power. The world tree sapling contains only the genetic coding of animals from worlds that do not have transcendent power, such as Earth.

After a moment of silence, Mu Yuan's pupils suddenly turned pale gold with the power of the heavenly dao increasing the bloodline genealogy of the world tree leaves.

The world tree bloodline inheritance transformed into a maelstrom of color, in which there are countless various colorful dots of light, that were beautiful beyond words.

Each light dot here represents the genetic coding of a race. The same restrictions as before prevented most of the light dots from traveling throughout its surface which caused only ten-thousandth of the light dots in the world sapling to be analyzed, and the rest were sealed.

Mu Yuan's focused on his heavenly will which with its boundless power absorbed the world tree's genetic information, which includes flowers, plants, fishes, insects, animals, and created new ones such as humans' patrimonial encoding!

Mu Yuan was immersed in the ocean of knowledge, for millions, possibly billions of years. A voice echoed from the top of Mount Tongtian, "So this is the hidden mystery of biology"

Mu Yuan opened his eyes and said with satisfaction, "The World Tree's sapling genetic coding has aided me greatly."

'To make the Yuan Realm a world suitable for living beings to flourish, it would take a long time to establish a complete ecological system step by step, capable of maintaining more living beings.

The first step is to create vegetation, to produce a biosphere.'

With a wave of Mu Yuan's hand, countless codes of life and regulations rushed out from the sea in the original space.

As soon as Mu Yuan's mind moved, a drop of the world's origin fiercely burned and decomposed into a huge amount of spiritual energy, which turned into spiritual energy particles smaller than atoms. The particles were combined with life and vegetation into a world tree leaf, and the particles were combined into a complex genetic code under the power of the heavenly dao and the genetic information in the world tree, and the genetic code formed a more complex biological chain

Based on the biological knowledge he learned on Earth and the genetic information of living beings from the World Tree, Mu Yuan experimented step by step to create the world's first cell.


After countless failures, Mu Yuan gradually perfected his genetic chain and finally, a tiny but faintly life-giving cell was born in his hands.

This cell was exactly as Mu Yuan remembered, with organelles, nuclei, and other major cellular structures.

Mu Yuan frowned and looked at the cell in his hand, "No, although this cell has life, I have a feeling that something essential is missing."

Thinking for a moment, Mu Yuan's eyes lit up: "Spirituality, yes, without spirituality, this cell does not have the most basic thinking and cannot move, resulting in it being like a dead thing although it has vitality ."

Once he figured out what was going on, Mu Yuan had a direction to explore. "How to give cells spirituality? The origin is the source of everything, so it must be able to create spirituality."

Mu Yuan again took out a drop of the origin, but did not burn it and break it down, but divided it into countless tiny and incomparable origin particles, and fused the origin particles with the cell again.

"Everything is always difficult at the beginning, the cells are already created, so the creation of life is nearing." Mu Yuan said to himself, as the process of cell creation flashed through his mind, a feeling of curiosity and astonishment overtook him," The mystery of life is so fascinating. To be able to see life in its infancy Is truly a remarkable experience.

He willed the burning of the origin existing in the cell to decompose and absorb the spiritual energy and divided and multiplied it. In the blink of an eye, it divided more than ten times, and in Mu Yuan's hand was no longer an invisible cell, but a seed full of life!

Mu Yuan then turned a thousand drops of world essence obtained from the world tree leaves and created various types of seeds such as grass seeds, pine trees, fruit trees, shrubs, and seaweeds just as he had done.

As the fundamental energy of a world, each drop of world essence contains endless energy. A single drop of this energy can be transformed into water, which can be transformed into an ordinary sea. The energy transformed into energy is enough to support the survival needs of the endless living beings of a living planet for several days.

Now that a thousand drops of this essence are used to create plant seeds, it can be said that the number of seeds is like seawater. With a wave of Mu Yuan's hand, the seeds flew all over the world...

Mu Yuan looked at the remaining 2,000 drops of origin in the original space, rubbed his chin, and said: "Plants have been created, I'll just wait for these seeds to take root and sprout to produce a biosphere environment that can support the survival of animals, then I can create all kinds of them, But this procedure will take a long time to be completed."

Mu Yuan thought for a moment, "I could just accelerate the development of the world, but time acceleration requires the consumption of the world's origin power, I only have a small world which just upgraded not too long ago, so the world's origin power currently can't support It at the moment"

Time acceleration is a function that arises when Yuan's world was upgraded to a small world. After all, when it was not a small world, the rules of time were not yet in place, and the flow of time did not exist, so it was naturally impossible to accelerate time.

"Anyway, now that I am the heavenly dao, I'll make the world develop naturally, while I sleep and wait for it to fully mature."


The Yuan Realm. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into. A tender shoot suddenly emerged from the soil, but it was a seed that had fallen here that sprouted!


Thunder and lightning pierced the sky, pouring down heavy rain, and at once countless shoots broke through the barrier and showed themselves to the world with abandon!

Looking down from above, the earth was gradually covered with green, and special plants like seagrass and even sea trees began to grow in the depths of the ocean!


In the blink of an eye, a thousand years have passed in the Yuan Realm, Mu Yuan's will awakened from his slumber, coalescing a body sitting on top of a throne, left hand supporting the chin, gaze cast in the direction of the Yuan Realm.

After such a time, the whole world is divided into blue and green, and the continent is covered with trees towering into the clouds.

Mu Yuan pondered for a moment and said: "The natural environment of the Yuan world is still too monotonous, with only oceans and forests. The environment on Earth in my previous life was more diverse."

Desert, wetland, Gobi...these terrains do not exist in the Yuan world, and the land is full of dense trees and forests.

With a single movement of Mu Yuan's thoughts, his will enveloped, a forest in the western part of the Yuan Realm instantly turned into a desert; a tree in the east turned into a plain, the southern part turned into a wetland, a swamp...all kinds of landscapes appeared on the Yuan Realm.

Mu Yuan retracted his gaze, "it took a thousand years for the foundation of the biosphere to be built, it's now time to create animals"

The second step is the creation of the biosphere - animals!

[I'm in the business of translating novels so If you guys want a novel translated then join me on Patre0n:Godofdestruction3. And Make know your preferences]