Chapter 8: The Intelligent Race (2)

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The newly created human stood upright, his hands at his sides, his eyes were closed as if to shield them from the intense light of his creator and his surroundings.

The human had a much denser spiritual power than that of ordinary animals, and his closed eyelids flickered as if he would open his eyes at any given moment.

Mu Yuan waved his hand, forming a barrier around his newest creation to protect him from the elements that were about to assault him.

"Now that I've created a human with the potential to cultivate, all I need to do now is make a partner for him to procreate with."

Mu Yuan, once again created a living being, this time a female with reproductive systems 

Mu Yuan carefully crafted an appearance that could be called beautiful in every sense of the word.

Skin as white as snow, smooth as Marble, with the perfect proportion of fat and muscles. by the time he finished, the body of his second human creation was the most beautiful creature in the world.

Seconds after his human creations were formed, he took the likeness of these two humanoid beings and created 3,000 beings, half of each gender, with a thought.

Of course, these humans weren't as good-looking as the previous two, after all, the latter was carefully created by Mu Yuan and are naturally more perfect, but they were still leagues above the humans from his previous world.

"In the name of heaven, I give to you the name of your species- Humanity!"

Mu Yuan created a human being, after all, he was a human being in his previous life, so naturally, he knew the human race most profoundly and knew their general body structures.

The first intelligent race he created had to be humans, what else could he create if not humans? As for the images of other races that he heard about in his previous life, they are all known from books (online novels), with only some descriptions of their external appearance. How could he create them with such limited information?

A small mistake in the created beings could lead to a failure, which could cause problems going forward.

Mu Yuan naturally created the human race first, then took the appearance and intelligence from them to create other intelligent races.

These newborn humans opened their eyes, like newborn babies, curiously looking at their surroundings, and discovering others similar to themselves, they all have a word in their minds, the name of their race - Humanity!

Their dumb eyes saw a figure floating above them, who they knew on an instinctive level created them and gave them, their race's name.

"Go, explore this world and develop the fires of civilization!"

Mu Yuan's figure became transparent and gradually disappeared, with only one sentence echoing in the minds of three thousand humans.

Then they were led by the first two human men and women created, "Yuan" and "Xi", who explored the valley step by step, using the knowledge that their creator entrusted them with.

After a few days of observation, Mu Yuan made sure that these 3,000 humans, who could only barely pick up certain fruits, find dwellings to survive without being exterminated by the beasts that resided around the area.

He stopped paying attention after a few more days and headed towards another location to create other intelligent lifeforms.

In the northern part of the continent, Mu Yuan used some genes of the human race to fuse with the genes of various beasts, and based on the human body structure, he experimented with them, before finally creating human beast races, and distributed them everywhere in the north.

In the south of the continent, there is a sea of thousands of islands, large and small.

Mu Yuan used various marine creatures in the sea to create the fish-tailed, shark-tailed, shrimp, crab, and other human-infused sea races.

As Mu Yuan took materials from all over the Yuan Realm, he used the human body structure as the basis and combined it with his inspiration to create different intelligent races, and one after another intelligent creatures were gradually scattered all over the world.

The bird hybrid, he created had a human head and two bird wings on its back.

Elemental races, such as the frost elementals in the North, the fire elementals in volcanoes, the earth giants that we're nearly ten feet high, and the diamond elementals were created from his knowledge of Chinese and western novels and mythology.

Each race has different characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages, such as the giant race are tall and powerful, one of them could handle a thousand, possibly even ten thousand, but the number of their race is exceptionally small, and their races fertility rate is extremely low.

Another example is the elemental race, born with the ability to manipulate the elements of heaven and earth within a certain area, their power is a deadly force to anyone who would challenge them, but they can not leave the place where they lived, so once they leave, it would be detrimental to their survival.

This is the balance between the races, Mu Yuan will not allow one intelligent race to have an advantage over others in all aspects, they all have their advantages and disadvantages.

"Within 10 years, no beast will be allowed to enter the area where the intelligent beings of each race are located."

Mu Yuan created only a few thousand of each race, and then placed them in a relatively safe area like the human race so that they can safely flourish in the lands their located. 

He gave the same amount of time as he did the humans and within ten years, Mu Yuan will treat them all equally.

Ten years, that all they will receive from him, if they do not adapt to the various dangers of the Yuan Realm, then Mu Yuan will not help them to reproduce and let them perish naturally.

"I have created an environment for you to survive, the future belongs to you, if you go  extinct, then that will be your fate."


After so many years of survival, the tribe has developed a sense of shame about being naked and will naturally look for appropriate "clothes".



There was a sound of twigs rubbing in the forest, and then a dozen muscular men emerged from the dense forest, carrying dead wild cows and elk on their shoulders, or carrying pheasants and rabbits in their hands, the last four men were carrying a large tiger with three eyes.

They are one of the tribal hunting parties.

When they saw the hunting party returning with a full load, the children who were playing were full of excitement and let out a burst of odd-sounding syllables and ran towards the hunting party.

The younger men and women of the tribe also rushed forward to help the hunting party members.

Some of Them took a little over half of the animals and deposited them in a hut, then the rest of them began to skin, cut, and bleed the meat, of the animals that weren't deposited, and used every part of the prey to the best of their ability.

The children gathered around the big tiger, curiously looking at the former king of the jungle, touching its cold and stiff body with their fingers from time to time.

They also listened to the hunters' explanation of the thrilling hunting process, their little faces flushed with enthusiasm, and started to imagine when they would be able to participate as well.

The sun gradually set, dusk was upon them as the last of the golden yellow light that enveloped the whole world disappeared.

The tribal hunters' parties returned one by one with many preys at nightfall, and also brought back a few mutilated bodies of their people.

This is the cruelty of life, this is the way of survival in the wilderness, every living creature in this piece of land continues to struggle, battle, and war just to survive.

[I'm in the business of translating novels so If you guys want a novel translated then join me on Patre0n:Godofdestruction3. And Make know your preferences]