shopping for the party

{The house is beautiful, of people with money, it must be spoiled children who live in this house}

[Emilia started knocking on the door nervously since she hardly ever interacts with people]

-Good afternoon, how can I help you? -Openly asking a man in a suit and tie with cleaning products in hand -is this the house that a babysitter is requesting? , My name is Claudio, I am the butler of the family, I am going to call Mr. Torres, said Mr. Claudio, pointing to Emilia to sit down.

{Several minutes have passed and I have not seen any of the children pass by here, they must be at school, this house is beautiful and very elegant, the gentlemen must have very good taste}

-Good morning miss, I'm Mr. Torres, call me Eduardo, like this, I see that she is interested in the babysitting position-

{and there was the man of the house, about 40 years old, tall and elegant, with some gray hair but he doesn't look old}

-Yes, I feel that I am prepared for this position, I studied pedagogy with honors and I know that I can take care of your children, by the way, where are they? At school for sure-I ask something more confident Emilia-no, my children study at home and are in their rooms, I'm already calling them to meet them-she said to go up the stairs she's already hired-Mr. Torres ended happily -Wait, shouldn't you interview me first? I don't even ask my name -asked Emilia nervous-

-Mr. Torres is happy that someone had responded to the position, he has been looking for a babysitter for his children for a year and you are the only one who dared to respond to take care of six children who are like the devil -answered the butler Claudio- Are they so bad? -Asked Emilia mockingly -they are the devil divided into six parts- the butler answered mockingly- and does that mean that I am hired? -Asked with hope Emilia-of course, I would have hired her since I knocked on the door, I will no longer have to be the butler and babysitter of those children -the butler answered relieved-

-Well this was better than I expected -said to herself happy Emilia -Wait for the children to come down -the butler replied mockingly-

{And that's where I knew that I got into a problem, Mr. Torres came down with the children who were on top of him while he tried to go down with three children on his back and three going down while throwing tantrums}

-Here they are, my little angels-commented the tired man and quite annoyed by the way the children act-it starts right now-said and Mr. Torres immediately went to his office-and I hope he manages to control them completely tired Mr. Torres as he left-

-Good luck miss ... what is her name? -The butler asked funny-EmiliaEmilia-said Emilia as she sat down-good luck, Miss Emilia, you will need her-complete mockery of the butler-

{What trouble did I get into because of my aunt}

-Excuse me, will you be my new mom? You're very pretty and young for my dad-asked a girl of no more than 5 years drying her tears-I don't want another mom-completely bothers the girl-no, I won't be your mom, I'll be your babysitter -said Emilia a bit embarrassed- maybe? What dad wants is to get away from us and forget us while a babysitter is raising us -said a boy of about 9 annoying-dad wants to leave us! 5 years while he began to cry-no, his father does not want to abandon them, only that he is busy in ... in ...- consoling the children Emilia while trying to remember what was the job of the father of the children-be lawyer-the butler finished while he was passing-yes in that-Emilia finished-don't lie, dad has never wanted to spend time with us-answered an 11-year-old girl-first he will go with a woman and then he will leave us with this girl- Said another boy about 12 years old annoyed-and he is going to leave us even with the twins without learning to speak-the 12-year-old boy pointed to a couple of girls sucking And the fingers like 1 year-hey, I don't know what your father wants to do with you but I know he loves you and wants you to be well-then you are not father's new girlfriend ... I already like you-I add happy the girl of 5 years-

-Well, since they are calmer, what are their names? -Emilia asked a little calmer -I'm Debi, my 5-year-old sister is called Alice, my 9-year-old brother is called Fernando, the 11-year-old is Devon and The twins are Alissa and Bernice-she introduced herself and her brothers, the 11-year-old girl-and why did they think she was going to replace her mother? -A curious question Emilia-my mother left us after the twins were born a year ago- Responded somewhat downcast Debi-oh, sorry-Emilia apologized-

-well, as they have already presented themselves, I have to tell you that tonight Mr. Torres is going to have a party with the other members of his law firm and he has to go buy clothes for the children and you right now, Mr. Torres I already prepare the car and here is your credit card -he said as he walked towards Emilia the butler -Tonight? But I've barely been here for about half an hour -said Emilia-I'm sorry but that's the way Mr. Torres is, he always leaves everything at the last minute-answered the butler with mockery -Are you making fun of everything? The butler was smiling as he left-well kids, put on your shoes, we're going to go shopping, so we'll get to know each other better-

{I shouldn't have taken this job, all the way the kids were fighting and screaming in the back of the car while I was counting the seconds to get to the mall}

-Was the first day bad? -Asked the driver of the car-pessimistic, I can't stand their fights-said Emilia exhausted-I should see them when they want to go to school -the driver said mockingly -and why doesn't Mr. Torres Do you want them to go to school? -asked Emilia- the children's mother wanted to teach them at home when she was still living with Mr. Torres, but after Mr. Torres left, he did not want to put the children in a school waiting for his wife to return -The driver continued somewhat sad-Mr. Torres was devastated-complete the driver-what is your name? -asked Emilia to the driver- Andres -the driver answered painfully-

{Minutes passed and the driver played children's music for the children and talked with the children, they are not the devil as the butler says, they just don't want to have someone else taking care of them other than their father and finally we get to the shopping center}

-Good children we have to go find dresses and suits for you-Emilia commented as she walked behind the older children and the twins took them by the hand so as not to lose any-I will stay in the car waiting for them Miss Emilia-commented the driver while leaving-

-I want a fluffy pink dress-Alice said happily-ok we'll get you a fluffy pink dress Alice-said Emilia enthusiastically-I don't want to go to that party, dad always scolds us because we always end up fighting-said Devon rude-shut up Devon, you are a spoiled-answer Fernando-come and shut me up Fernando- complete Devon-shut up both of you, couple of idiots-answer Debi annoyed-

{at least these children have communication}

-You're going to the party and I don't want any of your jokes-Debi commented-I don't do that-Devon answered annoyed-if you do-Debi answered-now calm down, let's go for the clothes-continued Emilia-I want a red dress, long and very elegant, like what my mother wore-Debi commented excited-well but no cleavage-continued Emilia-yes and what are you going to wear Emilia? -asked Alice excited-me? I don't know, maybe something conservative, I don't like to show my body, it makes me feel ugly -Commented Emilia-

[everyone was in awkward silence for a few minutes while they were walking]

-Well, we got to the store that her father sent us, God, everything looks expensive there-Emilia commented while she saw the store from afar-I want you to choose a dress Emilia-Debi commented excitedly-

{After an hour choosing clothes for the children we finally went to his house, the driver was very good to me, we finished leaving things in their rooms and the butler invited me to dinner with the children and Mr. Torres before the party}

"Well Miss Emilia, where are your suitcases?" Asked while Mr. Torres chewed, "suitcases? Which suitcases?" Emilia asked surprised, "Claudio didn't tell you he had to stay with us? This is going to be an I work full time -said Mr. Torres a little dismayed- the butler did not say anything to me, sir- Emilia commented while everyone looked at Claudio-ups, my fault- said the butler feigning concern while cleaning some glasses-

-Well miss, I will have to call someone to go in the morning to get his things at his old house -Mr. Torres commented wiping his lips with a napkin -no, no, I will call my aunt to come and bring my things-Emilia commented-

{Dinner was very silent after that, we continued eating and at the end, I went upstairs with the children to change clothes for the party, my room was huge and with a large closet for clothes, although I hardly have any}

[After a whole day of work, it was time for Mr. Torres's party]