painting classes

{the next morning everyone was early getting dressed and arranging the things they would take to school, I only stayed with the twins while the rest went to school}

-What do you plan to do the rest of the day, Miss Emilia?-asked the butler, approaching the nanny-take care of the twins-said Emilia tired she's just starting the job of being a nanny and she's already tired, tell me, why do I study teaching? don't you like to deal with children? - the butler said mockingly - I always wanted to study illustration but my mother forced me to study teaching, I always wanted to live from art but I didn't make it - said Emilia tired - well I should try to do a course or something in his days off-said the butler sitting down with Emilia-

-Do I have days off?-asked funny Emilia-on Sundays, of course, she hasn't been able to use them since the fire but that everything happened she can look for a course-said the butler-yes, I should look-said Emilia pensively-

-I already took the children to school, Miss Emilia-said the driver entering the house-thanks Andres, do you know of any illustration courses in the city?-Emilia asked the driver-well, I have a friend who teaches drawing courses If it works for you, here's your number, the driver said, handing over a card with a phone number, thank you, Andres, I'll call you, Emilia said as she got up from the chair and went to her room.

{After thinking about it for a while I decided to call the number and they gave me an address to go to, I decided to wait until Sunday to go and the week passed normally, the children went to school, they arrived, they did their homework and we played for a while and we left to sleep, so we continued until Friday and on Saturday they rested and on Sunday morning I decided to go to the course}

-I'm leaving, bye children-said Emilia dressed up going to the door-where is miss Emilia going?-said Mr. Torres looking at her from the sofa-I'm going to see something about a course, I'll see you in the afternoon-said Emilia opening the door and out of there

{Once outside I met Andres who offered to take me to the place and I decided to accept and we lasted about 15 minutes to get to the place, it was a small place where drawing classes could be seen from outside}

-Well, we're here-said the driver opening the car door for Emilia to get out-this is where my friend Dilan teaches drawing -he said to open the door of the premises for Emilia to enter-

{When we entered I got a smell of oil that reminded me of my teenage years where I painted pictures for fun and decided to dedicate myself to illustration but my mother did not allow me and decided for me the teaching career}

-well Emilia this is Dilan- said the driver showing a tall boy with brown hair and all covered in the paint who shook my hand- nice I'm the painting teacher- he said shaking Emilia's hand- nice, I'm Emilia- He said shaking the teacher's hand.

"Well, Andres, I think I'll see you at home," Emilia said, saying goodbye to the driver. "Well, we'll see you at Emilia's house."

-Well, let's start with a question, do you know how to use oil or acrylic? -asked the teacher-acrylic-replied Emilia-ok let's start-said the teacher to guide Emilia to an easel and sit her there to start classes-

{after a while I noticed that a boy stared at me a lot and when I saw him he decided to say hello}

-Hello, Marcos, it's a pleasure to meet you-said the boy approaching-Emilia-said Emilia introducing herself-I see that you're new here and you already draw quite well-said Marcos looking at the painting that Emilia was doing-thank you, and you are also quite good-he said Emilia pointing to the painting that the boy was doing-

"Hey, I've seen you in the park with my brothers," Marcos said laughing. "Yes? Who is your brother?" Emilia asked calmly. surprised Emilia-I'm your boss's son but not recognized, my mother was his college girlfriend-Marcos said laughing-I want to go see it with you if you don't mind-Marcos said leaning back on the easel-what?, no, I don't know who you are And out of nowhere you want me to take you to my boss, you're crazy-said Emilia going back to painting to ignore him-I'm the son of your boss and he knows it, we just go together-said Marcos laughing-

{every day I am more convinced that everyone in this city is too relaxed and crazy, I just ignored him for the whole class but I didn't notice that he was following me until I got home}

-hey!, Emilia...-Marcos shouted from the corner-no, no-said Emilia opening the door quickly to enter and meet Mr. Torres and the children in the living room-miss Emilia, why are you so nervous?- said Mr. Torres, getting up somewhat confused-sir, there is a madman chasing me-said Emilia next to the door until they began to knock-help me, he says it is his son, he has been following me from the drawing class room-said Emilia leaving next to Mr. Torres-ah, I know who he is-said Mr. Torres going to the door-don't do it-said Emilia pulling Mr. Torres's sweater-

-Hello boys, I haven't seen you for years-said Mr. Torres opening the door-hello father, it's nice to see you again-said Marcos going to the house-but sir that boy is_-he's not crazy miss Emilia, he's my son -Mr. Torres interrupted Emilia-just that I don't have much contact with him- Mr. Torres finished-

"Get used to seeing me here Emilia" said Marcos sitting on the sofa to which Emilia was more than impressed-

{God, what family did I get into, they are all crazy in this house}

"Then you're his son," Emilia said from the stairs, "yes," Marcos answered, "well, I just wanted to see you, father, and since I already did, I'm leaving... until Sunday, Emilia," Marcos said as he left, to which Emilia only knew. scare-

{everyone was calm because of the visit, even the children, we went to dinner and everyone went to sleep, I hope tomorrow will be better}