"Wow, dad! you are all done up already…" Linda said to Mr. Fernandez after seeing he is done dressing for the dinner party.

Mr. Fernandez smiled, "Silly girl, of course am ready… I got ready early because am very happy we are having this dinner party." He holds Linda's hand and settles on the sofa with her beside him.

"Am very happy and excited because after this dinner party the next occasion we are having is going to be Esme's wedding."

Linda moved closer to him and lay in his arms, "Yea, and we won't be able to see Sis every day like we usually do.

Mr. Fernandez kissed Linda on her forehead, "But we will still see her even if it's not like usually…. So don't be sad hmm?"

"Hmmm." She hummed and cuddles more in his arms.

"Dad..." Mr. Fernandez heard Linda whisper.

"Will she forget about me after she marries that Watson boy? And he also has a sister, what if she starts being a sister to that girl and completely forget about me?" Linda slowly mumbles as her eyes watered in Mr. Fernandez's arms.

The fact that she won't be able to see her sister all the time like she usually does, a week from now is what made Linda not be a fan of this wedding at all.

Although she looks happy about this wedding taking place, she actually isn't because she very well knows after Esmeralda marries that Watson boy, she won't be able to bombard her sister with her troubles or go out to have fun with her sister all the time like she is used to. Because her poor sister will have to take care of the Watson family and perform the responsibility of their daughter-in-law.

After listening to Linda's words, Robert Fernandez sighed, "Listen to me very carefully dear, first of all, no one can ever take your place in your sister's heart, and secondly, yes she will be Diane's Elder sister once she marries Elias but that doesn't also mean she will ever forget you hmm… so don't ever think someone can ever replace you in her heart no matter what okay?"

Linda nodded in his arms after listening to what he said, her tears drop profusely and Robert Fernandez had to raise her head and wipe her face for her.

"Look at how red your nose has turned to… stop crying now hmm?"

She nodded again at his words. Linda wasn't able to bring any words out of her mouth to respond to him. she buried her head in her father's arms and continues crying still.

Robert Fernandez decided to let Linda cry it all out so that her thoughts won't border her again. "Don't worry because no one can ever replace you in Esmeralda's heart nor mine either dear."

Robert Fernandez continues to kiss Linda's forehead lovingly as a reassurance to his words. even he is very sad Esmeralda won't be with them all the time anymore. Bt as a father he knows he can never stop the wedding from happening because he knows she will be happy after she marries Elias. After all, Patrick and Ivy will both be there to look after her and they both will also make sure the couples are alright always. That's why he has no worries at all.

But hearing Linda's words, his emotions were brought out as well, his silly girl thought her sister will forget her once she is married into a new family.

He smiles, 'what if Patrick takes your place in Esmeralda's heart' he chuckled at his thoughts.

A tear dropped from Robert's eyes, he will be giving away one of his most priceless possession next week. Nothing in this life is harder than that for a man who was both a mother and father to his child.

Robert turned his face sideways with Linda still in his arms, he was busy watching a painting of his late wife, 'how I wish you were here right now dear' he whispers from inside.

The father and daughter were busy charting, letting their emotions out, and embracing each other and didn't even realize someone was watching them from behind.

Esmeralda came downstairs after she was done getting ready, so she came downstairs in other to see if they all are also ready so they can leave for the dinner party.

Only to find the scene she is currently watching in front of her. She will be married next week and here she thought everybody is happy about it. Even though she talked to Linda about it, Linda still thinks she will forget her once she gets married to the Watson family.

And also seeing how her father is right now while staring at her mother's painting made her realize that although he also seems happy, deep inside of him giving her away will be the hardest thing for him without her mother with him.

Esmeralda slowly turned and run back to her room.

Esmeralda immediately went to the big heart-size mirror in her room. She stared at herself and how a mess she is right now from crying.

"I need to clean up and retouch my face before anyone sees me like this," She whispers while looking at herself.

She went to the restroom; wash her face and starts retouching her face with a simple makeover.


Dear, it's almost time, let's go and check on Esme." Robert said to Linda and they both composed their selves before making their way to Esmeralda's room. They won't want her to see them all sad like this on this special night.

"Hmmm, let's go, dad.'' Robert holds Linda's hand and they both stroll to see if Esmeralda is done getting ready.


Esmeralda heard a knock on her door and she know right there that, it was both Linda and Robert who have come to check on her. She look at the wall clock and saw its time they leave already.

"Come inside… it's open sis," Esmeralda pretended as if she doesn't know Robert is also at the door with Linda.

Linda look at Robert when she heard Esmeralda's voice, he nods at her as a sign to open the door. She nods back at him and opened the door….

Watson mansion

"Hurry guys with that… they are almost here," Mrs. Watson's voice resonates in the Kitchen.

The Fernandez's are already on their way and here these maids are been so slow with arranging the foods on the table.

"Diane, where is your brother… he is supposed to be here already." Mrs. Watson shouted.

"Don't worry mom, because earlier when brother returned, he told me to not allow anyone to disturb him that he will be getting ready so long… and will be here soon when he is ready," Little Diane explained to her mother.

"Hmmm, alright then..." Mrs. Watson replied.