"Have you seen my Dad and Uncle Patrick Adela?" Linda asked the maid since they both are nowhere to be seen. Even her sister and that despicable Elias too…

Linda sighed, that Watson's boy is very despicable and she will see to it that her sister does not give him another chance.

"Young Miss, I saw your Dad and Sir Patrick going towards the study… I was just about to take a tray with tea and some snacks to them too." Adela answered and said to Linda.

Linda fist her hands, that Watson boy should not think he will ever get her sister back because she is never allowing that to happen, "Hmm Adela… where is the tea tray?"

"Oh that Miss! It's in the kitchen." The maid replied.

"Alright, can you go and get it for me… I mean…. I will be taking the tea to them," Linda explained.

"Okay, Miss!"

Linda is currently at the door of her father's study, she hesitates for a while before knocking.

*Knock* Knock*

"Come in," She heard Robert's voice say.

Linda gently opened the door with one hand while holding the tray of tea in her other hand with care. "Dad, I brought tea for you both!"

"Oh, thank you, dear," Robert thanked her. And Patrick smiled.

"Alright, I will be going, enjoy your tea," Linda said after serving the two men the tea she brought.

"Okay, dear!" Robert acknowledged her words.

Linda turned to leave, "Oh yes Dad'' she turn back as if she remembers something and muttered, "Do you happen to know where Sis, is?" Linda innocently asked.

"Because she is not in her bedroom at all,'' She added.

"Dear, your sister is in the garden talking to Elias," Robert informed Linda.

"Oh, Okay… then I will just go there," Linda said.

"No! No! No! Dear don't go over there, let them talk things out first okay?" Robert said to Linda. He knows his child very well; she definitely will not do anything well when she goes there.

"Alright then, I will just go and check on Aunt Vanessa," Linda said and left.

Linda bailed her hands into a fist, that Watson boy, he already made a move, but that doesn't mean he should think he will be forgiven at all because no one hurt her sister and she spears them…

"Let me see how Aunty is doing!" she muttered and makes her way to Vanessa's room.

Back to the garden, Esmeralda turns and looks straight into Elias's eyes, and there she sees it, Sincerity, she is truly been sincere towards her right now but that doesn't mean she will forgive him at all.

Her forgiven Elias is far from happening right now.

Esmeralda held his hands, Elias who is taken aback by her actions, held on to both their hands even more tightly with his other hand, "Esmeralda I promise you will never regret forgiving me today in the future!" Elias thought Esmeralda's action was because she has finally decided to forgive him and give their relationship a second chance.

"Let me talk first, will you… before assuming anything Elias," Esmeralda broke Elias's bubble of happiness.

Elias's face fell flat after hearing Esmeralda's last words, he really thought she forgave him after her actions, but unfortunately for him, he was wrong. Very wrong!

Now he has only one hope, that what she has to say now will not be the end of them. He is in love with Esmeralda Fernandez, yes he made a mistake, but if Esmeralda's decision today is them breaking up then he really has n idea what to do because this girl sitting beside him holds his heart at a safe distance. That even he can't reach, to even think of being able to forget her.

Esmeralda adjust her sitting position, she is aware, she needs to be clear on what happened with Elias sooner or later and she will do it today once and for all. Her mind is made up and the decision is set. She is ending both his and her suffering today; he is also in pain as much as she is. He is hurt because he has hurt her, something he shouldn't have. "I have made my decision already regarding this matter Elias'' she turns his face to herself so they can be face to face with each other while she talks,"

Elias took away his eyes from facing Esmeralda because he doesn't know how to face her in the eye after he just told her the truth and didn't lie as he planned to earlier. Esmeralda noticed how both his hands were shaking, she entangled them with hers once more, "Do you love me?" Elias suddenly heard her ask.

Elias froze, how is he supposed to say it? Does he love her? Yes he does, but how on earth can he put them to words in the way she will believe that he does love her?

"I….I…. Love…." Elias stutters, unable to say anything, he kept quiet at the end. The saying 'actions speak louder than words' is right. He just wished she too can see it right now. He unable to explain his feelings for her only proved that even he doesn't know how much he truly loves her.

Esmeralda smiled at his action, "Don't worry because they say actions speak louder than words!"

Esmeralda holds his hands more tightly, "You truly do love me then, which means that all this while my efforts to win your heart was never in vain… I was able to make Elias Watson fall madly in love with myself." Esmeralda exclaimed which made Elias even more hurt because he just realized he never cherished her the way she deserved.

"If your love for me is truly genuine then you will agree to my decision," Elias finally looked up at Esmeralda's face after what she said.

Esmeralda saw the confusion in Elias's eyes, she decided to let him know of her decision regarding them once and for all. So she can get over all the pain and anguish inside of her.

She needs to talk heart to heart with Elias so she can let out all the frustration inside of her.