Patrick couldn't help but be happier than ever, the girl is quite smart, and she took all his worries away. Now he doesn't have to worry whether or not the wedding takes place anymore.

Although he does have a little regret though, things would be more than better if the wedding were to still take place. But the good thing here is, that he lost nothing and Robert will help stable Watson Enterprise without him having to neither ask nor beg him.

"Robert, we are leaving now… take care of Vanessa!"

"Yes, of course, Patrick. You don't worry about Vanessa, she will be fine." Robert replies.

Patrick nods at Robert, he turns to say goodbye to Esmeralda but unfortunately for him, the girl was quick to leave the room when e was busy talking to her father. "Let's talk regarding the situation with Watson Enterprise tomorrow, okay?" Patrick heard Robert mutters.


Linda, upstairs, exhales finally the fake codger and his son are out of Fernandez's manor and she can breathe some uncontaminated air now. Their presence took the entire purity of the air in this house. She left for her bedroom. The forgiveness drama is done; she has nothing more to do here.

Besides even her sister left before the old codger and his son could even notice it, she won't bother her Sister now because she knows Esmeralda needs some space alone after all the drama the father and son stage today.


Vanessa sent the nurse out of the bedroom so she can finally hear her Son's voice, it wasn't easy sending that nurse out because of the specific instruction Robert gave the girl.

The girl was reluctant to leave the room and leave her alone since her brother asked her not to. But she of course managed to skim her way and get the girl to leave.

Handling E & F Corporation's new branch in a different country; she wonders how her son is doing now.

Vanessa dials Petro's number, and with three rings her beloved son picks up his mother's call.

Petro on the other hand is busy going through some documents when he heard the ring of his phone with the name 'MAMA' flashing on the screen.

His face instantly lifts, and the corner of Petro's mouth tugs up in a knowing smile. He was going to call his mother after going through all of the papers in front of him. He felt better earlier when the nurse called to inform him his mother is out of danger already.

He wanted to be the one to call first, but it seems his mother missed him more than he misses her.

With a happy face, he answered the call.

Vanessa: "How are you my son?" was the first thing Vanessa asked Petro when he picked up.

Petro: "Mama am fine!" he happily replied.

Vanessa: "You didn't call me all this while, I kinder thought you were that's why." Vanessa explained.

Petro: "Yes, Mama, I was busy but when I called the nurse was the one that answered." He sadly said.

Vanessa: "I couldn't answer your call because I was sick again my-''

"Yes, I know, but why didn't anyone inform me you were sick, mother?" interrupted Petro.

Vanessa: Vanessa sighs, how should she explain to her what happened? "Don't be mad my boy, no one informed you because they were all occupied with what is going on with Esmeralda."

Petro: "What is going on over there mother, tell me!" curious Petro asked his mother.

Vanessa: Vanessa began to speak. "Well… Elias broke Esmeralda's heart," Vanessa explained.

Petro: "What, mother, wasn't a dinner supposed to be held for the exact wedding date to be close?" he asked his mother.

Vanessa: "Yes, but the Watson boy committed a terrible crime!" she announced.

Petro: "What?"

Vanessa: "All you need to know now my son is, you have to hurry back so you can fix the glasses Elias broke," Vanessa made sure to inform her son.

Petro: "Don't worry mother, am coming soon…"


"Dad, what are you doing here?" Esmeralda asked her father when he entered her bedroom.

She was deep in thought that she didn't even hear him knocking.

Robert made himself comfortable on the bed beside his daughter, "I was knocking and you didn't answer so I had to invite myself in to check on you."

Esmeralda smiles at her father, "Am perfectly fine…. So don't worry old man."

Robert looks over at his daughter's eyes, she is fine, and who does she think she is fooling?

"You can't lie to me you know?" because your eyes say it all otherwise," Robert whispered to his daughter.

"But dad, why me?" was all Esmeralda said to her father.

"Because in life we get hurt and we must learn to accept it!" Robert warmly said to his daughter.

"I don't want to accept it… I really don't!" Esmeralda sternly muttered.

Robert shakes his head at her words, she is still young and will only understand all that he is saying more only when she grows a little more, "But if you don't, you will never recover from all this nor ever forget it."

"I did nothing wrong to Elias though," Esmeralda whispered more to herself than to her father.

Robert continues looking at his daughter, this is so sad to see, why did Elias have to go ahead and hurt his child like this? Just why? He really thought no one was perfect enough to take care of her except his best friend's son but he was wrong. Because his godson turns out to be something he never imagined. "Dear, in this life we can never change someone else's behavior or what they have done… do you know what it is that we can do though?" he asked her purposely even though he very well knew she doesn't.

"No." Esmeralda shakes her head at her father.

Robert smiles, he held his innocent child's hand, "We can only change our own. No matter what circumstance it is we find ourselves in."

"Did I make the right choice dad?" Innocent Esmeralda asked her father.