Esmeralda quickly ran out, something is not right. What is going on here? Her father is not responding to her at all… this is not right; she must get help right away. She has to call everyone right now!

"Aunt, Linda? Everybody out…. Dad is not responding to me at all," Esmeralda shouts out.

Esmeralda kept sweating heavenly, she shouts for everyone to come out, "Sis, what happened?" Linda was the first to come out after hearing Esmeralda's voice.

"Dad…dad…da…d…he is not responding to my voice at all!" Esmeralda manages to speak out.

Linda "…"

"What happened sis?" she asked and brought her cell phone out to call the doctor.

Esmeralda kept shaking; she couldn't even call her father's doctor. Linda called the doctor and hurriedly drags shaking Esmeralda with her to Robert's room.

Meanwhile, Vanessa and her son also heard Esmeralda's scream but choose to ignore it, "What do you think is happening over there, mom?"

"Maybe Robert had another attack and you that girl… how she exaggerates on everything," Vanessa answers her son.

Her brother might just have an attack and his precious daughter is exaggerating it, she obviously heard the screaming of Esmeralda and what she was saying. But since the girl is too much, instead of calling his doctor to attend to him, she just kept on screaming her lungs out.

Vanessa sighed, this house is just full of drama, the past two years it was all about what Elias did, and last year? Wasn't different either. She has had enough of the drama going on and on in this house. She just wants them all to disappear from this house. But the house is not hers.

What can she do?

"Son, come and lay beside me over here" she gestured at the bed to petro "So that when any one of those two girls come looking for us, they will find us sleeping and won't have any suspicion."

"Whatever you say, mama," Petro said and lay beside his mother as he was been told.

Vanessa smiles, her son always listens to whatever she says no matter what, and it will continue like this.


"Doc, how is dad doing now?"

"Do we need to take him to the hospital?"

"Please tell us doc!"

Doctor Vince shakes his head at Robert's children, they worry about their father so much. "Try to calm down you two… he had an attack, but he is fine now."

'Thank you lord' Linda whispered.

"Are you sure he doesn't need to be admitted to the doctor?" Esmeralda asked.

"Yes, am sure so you both can now relax," doctor Vince explained.

"Sis, dad is fine now so relax, hmm?" Linda said trying as she comforts Esmeralda.

Esmeralda gave Linda a nod, earlier she was scared to hell. She even thought she was going to lose her old man. But she thanks god he is alright now. At least she can rest her mind now.

"Just make sure to keep him away from stress," the doctor instructs.

"We have been doing that doc, he doesn't use to work late anymore like he used to…. Linda and I made sure to reduce the load of his work as well." Esmeralda honestly explains to the doctor.

After listening to what Esmeralda said, "Make sure has enough rest… if possible keep him away from work for this meantime.''

'Alright, then doc…" Linda answered.

Linda carries the doctor's bag, "I will show you out doc."

"Thank you for coming doctor Vince," Esmeralda muttered.

"I will be leaving now, and don't worry he is fine now… Robert is a strong man. He can fight this."

"Hmmm." She agrees and nods.

Her father is a strong man, he raised two kids by himself, and no she should say three since Petro was also raised by him as well. After what happened to her aunt Vanessa, she was devastated and was even sent away abroad to a new environment so she can get over what happened. Her father was the one who raised her, Linda, and Petro.

Minutes later, Linda came back from escorting the doctor, she found her sister sitting beside Robert looking at him. She is really worried about her sister after what happened with Elias, her sister has never been the same bubbly and cheerful person again.

She is starting to think this is what caused their father to have this attack; he is worried about Esmeralda and is thinking about her all the time.

Linda adjusts herself and makes her way towards them, "Don't worry dad will wake up later… doctor Vince told me he gave him a sleeping pill to help him rest that's why he is still sleeping."

"He will be fine right sis?'' Esmeralda softly utters.

"He will because no one is as strong as he is in this house,'' Linda reassured her.

Linda hugged her sister, Esmeralda cried as much as she wants in Linda's arms.

Linda on the other hand allowed her to let it all out, she is aware Esmeralda still hasn't gotten over what happened earlier.