Vanessa is dangerous, if she was capable of still staying indoors and ignoring Esmeralda's call for everyone despite hearing it when she very well knows her brother might have died, this makes Vanessa very scary and someone to be afraid of. only god knows what the woman is capable of doing to her. She might harm her and worst get her finished off, and if that happens then she won't be able to expose her true colors to everyone.

What if she harmed her and she never got the chance to expose her? From now on she must be very careful with each step she takes regarding the two.

"Alright then, we all will stay here and look after Dad, until he wakes up!" Linda declared.

"Better… you both shouldn't even think you can make me leave Robert alone," Vanessa announced.

"We aren't chasing you away aunt, we just want you to get some rest… you also are sick, we don't want you to relapse due to stress that's why."

"Yes, aunt, remember your doctor asked us to keep you away from stress," Linda added.

"Right Petro?" she asked then suddenly she remembered he wasn't there, "Sorry, I forgot you weren't there by that time.

"Hmm." Petro flashed her a smile.

Linda also flashed him back her wide tooth. He chuckled, she was too cute.

"How bout I get the maid to serve us some snacks? Hun?" Linda suggests.

"Hmm, that will do." Petro agreed with Linda's suggestion.

"I will go get the maid then," Linda mumbled and left.

"I will follow after her," Petro Whispered and also left.

Petro hurried and caught up to Linda, she was walking slowly and he wondered how she was able to reach where she is now in such a short period.

Linda felt someone beside her but didn't bother gazing to see who it was, with the strong masculine odor, someone could easily say who it was beside her. She is aware the person following beside her is Petro, but she chooses to ignore him.

Linda kept walking and pretended she wasn't aware of the person following her.

Petro was pissed the girl has the nerve to not even bat an eye at him, she is busy walking and pretending she doesn't know he is the one following her. He smiled and shook his head, she is pretty interesting, and why didn't he realize this sooner though?

Petro also pretends he wasn't following after her and keeps walking instead, he wants to see how long she can ignore him.

They neither didn't bat an eye nor said anything to each other; silence evolved in the place as they kept walking. None of the two was willing to give in. It was never going to be him since he wanted to see how long she could resist him following her. And it isn't going to be her since she plans on ignoring him.

Minutes passed by and Linda didn't say anything nor even gaze at Petro, she instead started walking slower to see what he would do.

Petro's patient ran out, and the girl didn't gaze nor say anything to him, he had heard enough for the past few minutes, "How dare you ignore me LINDA JONES?" Petro shouted and pushed her against the wall.

Linda jerked away from his forceful grip, once upon a time, she was in love with him but not anymore. So he has no right to touch her.

"You aren't going to speak?" he asked.

"Okay, I will make you speak then!" Petro added and smashed his lips against Linda's.

Linda was caught off guard by Petro's actions, she tried pushing him away but to her disappointment, it was of no use because it didn't get him to leave her. She wasn't strong like him, so it wasn't going to be easy to get him off her.

Linda decided to bite Petro hard on his tongue, but he still didn't stop despite how hard she bit him, Linda almost thought Petro wasn't human anymore, with how hard she bit him and all the blood gushing out, he still didn't stop.

Petro is well aware of what the girl is thinking about, instead of letting her go after what she did, he deepens the mashing of his lips against each other. He started scratching the cheeks of her mouth in a firm grip in an attempt to trace her lips.

Linda took the opportunity and forcefully bit him harder than she did earlier, she managed to break the kiss but Petro was able to get her in place. Petro gazed at her red ears flushed cheeks and wrinkled forehead, he smiled, so he did affect her.

"What? Don't you like it?" he amusedly asked.

Linda could hear the sound of the maid's charter since they were near the kitchen, she didn't want the gossip mongers to see her current position right now with Petro.