"Aunt, how about we all go on a long vacation when dad, gets better?" Esmeralda suggests with a happy face.

"Of course, my dear, what a good idea," Vanessa says in agreement.

"Yea and that will make dad, rest even more better!" Linda exclaimed.

"I agree with Linda too!" Petro also said.

Linda gazed in his direction, he winked at her while licking his lips, she was close to throwing up at his disgusting action when suddenly her eyes caught something.

My god, why didn't she even think about it? Vanessa's reaction to what her son just did makes it even more clear to her, that if she wants to get rid of the mother, then she must go through the son!

What the hell, her trump card has been right in front of her under her nose and she didn't even notice it. But instead was trying hard to get away from it.