"That was too much of you, I really am hungry!" Linda complained to Esmeralda, she was brought here to have a so-called time together that Esmeralda just destroyed by herself.

Why can't she just ignore the man if she thinks he is stalking her?

Esmeralda gave Linda a sorry look, she knows her sister is pissed up right now. She will drive as quickly as she can to White Cuisine so Linda can stop complaining and the two of them can have their meal in peace without the disturbance of any intruder.

She is certain after what she just did; he will not dare follow after them again. At least he will think twice before doing anything that foolish again.

For sure he doesn't love stalking her as much as he loves his life. No one will ever want to be sent to prison, no one in their right mind will want to lose their freedom to something as foolish as what he is doing.