This was getting annoying as she looked behind her towards some buildings. For the last year, she had been being watched by a group of people. They were most likely servants from the Royal family. Here to keep tabs on her.
Fools thought she couldn't or wouldn't notice them. But she could smell them and their power. At this point, she could tell where they went and came from just by smell alone. This had become far more useful than she thought it would be. But it had its downsides. The smell of sweat was far worse for her nose, It was overwhelming at the start but now she was getting the hang of it. Or smell hehe.
Selera had been spending time with Gine and surprisingly help her by bringing the wild game she had killed. As for Totoma, he spent his time fighting or eating. As for her, it was spent the beginning of the year watching Bardock and her aunt. She had mimicked his Rebellion spear though it wasn't blue but pink in color. Not that she minded since her second favorite color after Green.
She had played around with ki Manipulation once. Making a Lance similar to the one from bleach but lacking the power. No large explosions when she chucked it at a mountainside. Still, it had been fun to mess around with it.
This leads to her teaching her troop how to use ki. But had made them promise not to share her teachings with anyone. it was funny to watch them fail for a bit but they picked up fast she thought. it had only taken them a month to learn it properly unlike Vadel. Still flying was a bit hard for them to learn.
Walking down the road, many people moving about buying stuff she came across one vendor selling what seem to be saibamen seeds. Interesting she thought as the alien was currently talking to a few Saiyans she simply touched a large bag that was near the end of the stall which was full of seeds and puff it was gone. She looked smug while checking her Dimension Storage with her mind. There were 20 seeds.
Now she had something for future training she thought as the shop owner noticed and had tried to check her. shouting thief at her as they put there hand on her shoulder. The fool was the one thing that came to mind as she grabbed their hand and crushed it. The four Saiyans that were following her only one made a move. claiming to be a guard they checked her and found nothing. The smug smile grow bigger on her face as she lowered her power level and disappeared into the crowd.
After that she headed home. and touched her birth pod. it also was added to her storage. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. as she went to check it was her troop members.
Selera: "Gine told me to come and get you, said Bardock had something to tell us."
Totoma was standing behind her with a half sleepy-looking face. Deciding that this might have to do with Lord Freeza Destroying the planet she followed. She had to carry them as fast as possible as they made there way towards Gines's house. As they arrived , only to notices Bardock and Gine head out of the city towards the desert. They landed and followed.
Bardock: Freeza is coming to destroy us all
Besides Avoca and Gine the other two were not convinced. And thus Bardock explained what he heard and how he was attacked. Avoca was Angry as she learned about her aunt and mother's death. It explained so much about why she never came back. She clenched her little fist as the walked. Bardock cared a space pod on his shoulder while gine had Kakarot.
It was silent after he had spoken, the journey there had taken a while but she and her troop gave them space to say goodbye to Kakarot. Bardock had told Gine to take these kids and hide. Avoca know how this would end and watched him fly away.
Having followed gine towards her home. they watched as a large Death ball flowed towards the planet. Everyone bunched up together. "System thanks for everything" She said honestly as she grabbed onto the other three and popped out of this Dimension just as the death ball was entering the planet atmosphere. "Good-bye dear and good luck" gently spoke the older woman's voice for the last time.