Discovering the Academy's Classes

The testing soon came to an end as every student had participated, and the class time was already over.

"Thank you all for paying attention, I hope to see you again when you sign up for my class as a minor or major, now I will hand you off to your home room teachers."

As he said this the two teachers walked in the doors that their perspective class had entered from and gestured for the students to leave once again.

Outside of the auditorium Caxon's class stood and Holgar addressed them.

"Now we will be going to the forge so we can sit in on the blacksmithing course, please follow me."

The students once again walked through the campus until they can to a fairly small building with a large chimney that gushed out black smoke.

As the class opened the doors to the forge, they were hit with a heat wave that showed how hot the room they were about to enter was.