When the second day of the festival had officially come to an end Caxon and Will had competed in most of the tests that counted towards their final scores. They had saved the tests that they were most excited for until the last day.
All they had left were Alchemy, Close Quarters Combat, and Mana Theory, the two roommates wanted to finish their tests and enjoy the last day of the festival before they had to go back to regular classes.
Since the two had just woken up they followed their usual schedule and got a small breakfast before they went to the testing area.
The first thing they saw was another huge crowd moving between tests, by now they had realized that these huge crowds showed where the Royalty was. Seeing where the crowd was Will gave a slight grin on his face as he looked towards Caxon.
"Well, I guess now is as good of a time as any to see how much you have improved in Alchemy right?"