Lu Chen's Maternal Grandmother

Hearing her ridiculous words, Qiao Ruoyi couldn't help retorting "Auntie, your words are funny.

"Fourth Sister disregarded the fact that Father is the Grand Mentor of the Crown Prince, befriended Imperial Concubine Xian and became the concubine of Prince Mediocre. Had she ever thought whether Father would be laughed at by the courtiers? Moreover, she also failed Mother although she was personally brought up by Mother.

"But has Second Sister ever done anything to let Mother down?"

Mrs. Zheng said, "You are just a concubine-born daughter. What makes you think you can…"

The Duchess who was worried that Jinniang had offended the Crown Prince was annoyed by her words and said impatiently, "Even if she was born by a concubine, she is still the Duke's daughter. Sister-in-law, if you dare to scold the Duke's daughter again, don't blame the Duke for not helping the Zheng family in the future."

Mrs. Zheng shivered. She didn't dare to piss off the Duchess.