Punish Mammy Bai

Before the Empress Dowager arrived, her voice arrived.

Entering the palace, the Empress Dowager was followed by Li Lingling.

Li Lingling looked at Qiao Jinniang gloatingly. "Mammy Bai knows court etiquette best among Grandmother's mammies, and she has taught many women in the imperial palace the rules. It's your blessing that Grandmother let Mammy Bai teach you the rules!"

Qiao Jinniang followed the Queen to salute the Empress Dowager. She lowered her head and said, "Mammy Bai is the Empress Dowager's mammy. How can I trouble Mammy Bai?"

The Empress Dowager said, "You're wrong. Mammy Bai is just a maid after all. You are her master. How can you 'trouble' her?"

Qiao Jinniang bowed her head and said, "I see, Your Grace. Thank you for your generous reward."

Seeing Qiao Jinniang accept Mammy Bai so easily, Li Lingling laughed secretly at her stupidity in her heart.

Qiao Jinniang probably didn't know how difficult Mammy Bai was to deal with!