Chang'an under Martial Law

When Zhou Siming saw Lu Chen, he hurriedly said, "Your Royal Highness, after Sisi jumped off the carriage, she disappeared. I wonder if you can help us to put the entire Chang'an under martial law to block all the exits of Chang'an?"

Duke Wu knelt down to Lu Chen and said, "His Royal Highness, Sisi is not clear in her mind. We can't imagine what terrible things will happen to her. Your grandmother has already been angered into fainting by Zhou Shihui last time. I don't know if she can survive this time if anything happens to Sisi…"

Lu Chen frowned. His grandmother was an elderly person after all, so he said to Duke Wu, "Uncle, it is extremely inappropriate to put Chang'an under martial law and block all the exits, but I'll order the Imperial Guards to search carefully in Chang'an."

Lu Chen followed Zhou Siming and Duke Wu out of the East Palace to dispatch the soldiers.