This Miao Woman Knows Magic

The rumors about the jinx thing also spread to the imperial palace, and Yuyan came to Qiao Jinniang to report the news.

Qiao Jinniang was very angry. "No matter who the person behind this is, no matter how much grievances he has with the Qiao family, he shouldn't be so vicious to a newly born baby!"

When Lu Chen entered Qiao Jinniang's palace, seeing her angry face, he knew that she already knew about it.

Lu Chen said, "The people have caught the Miao woman who spread the rumors. She is currently being interrogated by Chang'an Prefect. Don't worry. No one will believe this kind of nonsense."

Qiao Jinniang said indignantly, "There had long been signs of floods in the South, but it was only recently known in Chang'an. Why do they say that it's caused by my sister? It doesn't need everyone to believe it. As long as some people believe it, my sister will have to carry the name of a jinx."

"Can you get the Miao woman over and interrogate her yourself?"