The Birthday Gift that His Majesty Bestows Is Ke Silk

Li Lingling excitedly went to the Taiji Palace, but before she could see Emperor Huilin, she noticed that Eunuch Quan was about to the East Palace with the birthday gifts from Emperor Huilin.

Li Lingling said to Eunuch Quan, "Eunuch Quan, wait, you don't have to go to the East Palace now. Let me enter and meet Father first!"

If Emperor Huilin knew that Qiao Jinniang dared to use a fan made of Ke Silk, the East Palace would be punished severely for rebellion.

Then Emperor Hulin certainly wouldn't give Qiao Jinniang any birthday present!

Eunuch Quan smiled and said, "Consort Huai, forgive me for not being able to obey your order. There is Ke Silk among the birthday gifts. The Ke Silk is precious, so I dare not to delay. If the fabric is destroyed, my sin will be great!"

Li Lingling opened her eyes wide and asked, "Ke Silk? Father actually gave the East Palace Ke Silk as a gift?"