I Have You in My Heart

When Qiao Jinniang boarded the carriage and saw this scene, she didn't ask anyone to rescue Tong Yingying.

Seeing what Zhou Sisi did, she already knew who the person behind was.

She just didn't expect that Zhou Sisi dared pretend to be retarded and killed someone in public.

Since they dared to slander her, she would certainly retaliate.

Qiao Jinniang whispered to Yuyan, "Go find that Tong Xuan who often gives me gifts."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Tong Yingying looked at Qiao Jinniang and begged for help. "Help, help me…"

However, Qiao Jinniang lowered the curtain of the carriage. She was not so kind-hearted as to rescue Tong Yingying, an idiot who tried to set her up and had offended her more than once.

She had already given Tong Yingying a chance, but she didn't cherish it and even helped others to make false accusations against her…