Chapter 308: Women Can Inherit the family business

Lu Chen pulled Qiao Jinniang into his arms, “What you said doesn’t make any sense. When I was young, the imperial master once said that because of the fall of the Han dynasty, people in the world had the words ‘Beauty brings disaster’. But back then, Emperor Han Cheng was muddle-headed. Everyone didn’t blame Emperor Han Cheng, but the two sisters Feiyan and Hede. They were the ones who charmed the army.”

Qiao jinniang said, “Since you understand this logic, do you really have no other way? You can only watch helplessly as a lover is not allowed to marry.”

Lu Chen said, “It’s not that there’s nothing you can do. It’s just that what needs to be changed is not only the rule that the prince consort is not allowed to have real power. What needs to be changed is the world’s laws regarding the inequality of women.”