Chapter 368, the neighbors of Lin ‘an city

At the gate of Lin ‘an city, a horse carriage slowly drove in.

Little Lu ang lifted the curtain and said to Qiao jinniang, “Mother, we’re in Lin ‘an city!”

Qiao Jinniang looked up and felt a little homesick. She had left this place for a long time, a full seven years, and brother Tuan, who was still babbling in the past, was now almost at her shoulder, he looked like a handsome young man.

When she entered the city gate, her subordinate handed a notice to the city guard, the Lin ‘an prefect.

After entering the city and hearing the familiar local accent, Qiao Jinniang knew that she had really come back.

After another hour, the carriage finally arrived in front of the Bai Wei building in Lin ‘an city.

Lu Chen got off the carriage first and reached out to help Qiao Jinniang get off the carriage.

The waiters in the Hundred Savory restaurant came forward and helped the coachman to tie the carriage. “Langjun, Madam, are you two from other places? Do you want to eat or stay?”