
Most people, at some point in their life, will wonder about why they were living.

What is the point of it all?

A moment of existential dread.

For Alan, every day was like that.

Science opened his eyes to the wonders of the world. But it also showed how minuscule his existence was.

He was just a person in a country on a planet named earth. Which revolve around a yellow dwarf star. Zoom out a little more and you can see that the yellow dwarf star known as the sun is one in a hundred billion stars that revolve around a spiral galaxy known as the milky way. And the funny part is that it doesn't end there. Our galaxy, the milky way is just one of the trillions of galaxies found in the universe.

And the scariest part was that humans as a species has no say in anything about what happens on that scale. Much less him, a person living on a backwater planet in the corner of the universe.

The world is messed up, right?

Contrary to the belief that humans are changing the world however they want. It is much more reasonable to say that humans are finding new ways to barely survive in this harsh universe. It was truly commendable of humans to fight for their survival.

But as a pessimist. Alan sees the unending struggle of humanity against the world as a futile attempt to buy enough time to make a nice coffin. He believes that humans will be their own undoing.

Imagine, as an average person with average intelligence and skill. He was neither important nor was he memorable.

Is he still valued in this world? Is his existence worth anything? Those were the questions ringing inside Alan's head. After all, Anyone on the street can replace him and no one will even realise the change.

Plagued by these thoughts. Alan was depressed.

The colourful world around him became grey and the little bit of happiness he had disappeared. There was no sudden realisation of some worldly principle nor did gain enlightenment into godhood. He lived his life like that for a long time, alone in the darkness. It was a slow burn for Alan and it was painful to go through.

Then he found the answer to all his questions.

But it was too late.

'The city lights are supposed to blur the beauty of the night sky. But why was the sky so beautiful today.' Thought Alan.

The full moon was illuminating the night while stars twinkled brightly. It was the moment when everything gained clarity.

'Maybe this is the so-called clarity before death. Why isn't my life flashing before my eyes?' Thought Alan who was falling from a fifty-floor high skyscraper.

It has been two seconds since he was pushed down the building. Gravity was pulling on his body from below and in any second now. He would turn into a meat patty.

The reason why someone pushed him down was simple. He was being a pain in the ass for the influential people by being a decent person. Alan for a moment forgot that having upstanding morals and honesty is never rewarded in this world. Or rather people like that are punished.

When Alan was asked to testify in court related to an influential murder case. He was ready to say the truth as it is.

But before he could do that. Some shady people came to him offering a huge amount of money to keep his mouth shut.

Alan rejected them by saying he will think about that. After all, he didn't want to antagonise them.

The next day he was flying or more precisely falling down a skyscraper pondering about his life choices.

He still didn't who was it that killed him. Is it the guy he was testifying against or the person he was testifying for?

'They might have assumed that I took the bribe and tried to kill me while the other one knew that I didn't take the bribe and silenced me before the court hearing. Fucking messed up world. There was never a choice, was there?'

Either way, he will be hitting the pavement fast.

"Sigh…" Alan sighed before he lost consciousness.
