Initiation Energy System

"Ah… My head hurts!"

"Why does it tastes like dirt. Pei…puffs…" Spitting out a mouth full of dirt, Alan woke up from his slumber.

Suddenly it dawned on him. He was knocked out cold by a strange flickering light. He was not able to remember anything after trying to catch the light ball with his hand.

"I was knocked out? The strange light, where did it go?" With a questioning look, he looked around the field.

'Oh! Thank god nothing is destroyed other than a few herbs that I fell on. It will be quite taxing to find an explanation about the destroyed plants, but it's a hell of a lot better than losing this job.'

Thinking up to there, with a solemn expression Alan got up from his sitting position. His worried heart calmed down after seeing that everything is okay. But still, it was unbelievable for him. Suddenly, seeing a ball of light flickering and losing consciousness while trying to touch it. Something is wrong with this situation, right?

'At least, I didn't get hurt. The herbs look normal too. So, I shouldn't worry about that.' Thought Alan. Besides, how would you explain something like this to your boss? It would be better to stay silent about this.

"Gurgle…" Alan's hungry stomach began making weird noises. It was noon when he fainted. Now it's almost evening. He didn't eat anything other than breakfast. And now he was starving.

"I hope no one saw what happened here." Hoping for the best, holding his growling stomach, Alan made his way towards the cafeteria.

Although it's said to be a cafeteria, it was nothing fancy. Just a small single floor building with some tables and chairs aligned in a row. It was a uniquely designed canteen for the odd-job workers and handyman that comes to work here. And likewise, the food was not much better either. But it was given at an affordable price. So, it doesn't matter.

Others were also content with this arrangement. They come here to do manual labour every day, not to act like spoiled young masters. They were happy with saving their wages, rather than spending it on a lavish meal.

Quickly running into the cafeteria, Alan went towards the food counter to get some food. Immediately, he began munching on the full vegetarian dishes before him. Alan was not a vegetarian. He likes to eat meat. But, for him, it was too costly.

Within moments the food before him was gone. Looking at the empty plate and feeling his hungry stomach Alan was perplexed.

'Why am I still hungry?' thought Alan before running off to get more of the food.

Only after eating three servings did his ravaging stomach calm down. Even the old lady at the counter was looking at the young man with curiosity. How could someone eat so much and still be okay?

Just as Alan returned to the herb field, he suddenly heard some beeping sounds.



"What? Who is it?" Alan turned around to locate the sounds. But there was nothing around him. The noise he was hearing was coming from all directions equally.

Alan was scared out of his wits hearing the continuous beeping noise. First, it was a flickering light, now a beeping noise in his head. Was he hearing things? Did he hit his head somewhere when he fell? Doubts, one after another popped up in Alan's head.

"What if it is a bomb?" When his thought reached this point. Alan's face became flushed. Looking flustered and scared, he began looking for cover. One way or another, He needs to save his ass. He was not ready to die again.


[System launch completed. Body calibrated to healthy human level.]

[ WARNING insufficient energy level. Continuing with initiation procedures.]

[ENERGY SYSTEM initiation complete.]

Suddenly, words one after another started popping up in Alan's head. His scrunched up constipated look slowly turned to one of bliss.

'It was a system, a f***king system. Anyone from my world would know what a system is. It plot device that is used in novels to make storytelling easier and give cheats to the main character. Am I the main character? Did my luck just explode after all this time?'

'Now I can make sense of everything that happened today. Flickering may have been the system. And I was hungry due to the calibration process. Calibrating the body. After all, I was using a refurbished body, maybe the system is making this body much more suited to me. How useful!'

No one knows how Alan made all those associations from a couple of sentences of nonsense. But somehow, he was correct this time.

He hit the jackpot today. If it was a system like those in fantasy novels. Then he is saved. Maybe the dead dreams of his could be revived. The pain and mental strain that he bore for so many years was gnawing away at him from the inside. But now, There was a new path before him. A chance to change everything. How could he not be happy?

'Even if the system is the weakest, it could still improve my family's life. This is better than nothing.' Thought Alan. Alan was not an optimist. He knew how expectation can become the reason for disappointment.

So, he downplayed the usefulness of the system. Alan didn't want to be trapped in that quagmire of hope and depression.

But before he could fully enjoy himself, the next message came.

[Host is too weak. System limiting to low energy settings. Energy-saving mode activated. Hibernating]


With that message, the system abruptly stopped.

'Hm. Just as I guessed. Counting chicken before they hatch is dumb.' Alan thought with a smug face. He proved himself right by not trusting the system immediately.

But he was still expecting some explanation or a user manual. And there was nothing.

Suddenly appearing mysteriously as a flickering light and giving him hope, then vanishing in the next second. What is this system trying to achieve?

"Hey! System are you there? Can you hear me?" Alan whispered to the system. But, there was no response.

'That's it!!! How could I forget that… System show status.' with a smile Alan called out to the system in his mind.


Human: Normal (only with the help of system)



Mind: 10


Comment: Alive and healthy. But, a feeble life form.


• Energy assimilation: Can digest all forms of energy.

• Energy sense: Sense the energy around the host.

Looking at his status, Alan was excited. He didn't know what his status signified. But, he was happy just seeing it.

'Finally, something good happened to me.' Alan looked at the open sky while thinking. In a world like this where people with special abilities are revered like gods. Having a system is useful. May I could become a powerhouse with this system.