System skill Heatwave

"One, two, three, Crawl..." Mustering all the strength in his body, Alan crawled towards the only direction he could move.

The fall had broken his fibula(leg bone) and a couple of ribs. So, he couldn't move his lower body at all. The pain was horrifying, but it also induced Alan's will to survive.

Alan was inside a den. The den of a beast. He could die any minute now. He doesn't know what happened. But he was sure that he was in a precarious situation.

There was the putrid smell of decaying meat in the darkness before him. It was suffocating him mentally and physically.

So, Alan crawled.

Every centimetre of land he covered made his life even more miserable. The rocky surface below, rubbing against his body made small wounds all over him.

The only hope for his survival was the system. So, he needed to awaken it. And the only way he could do that was by going towards that putrid smell. Into the den of the beast.

If Alan suffered such grave injuries by falling into the ravine. The beast would not be faring much better.

It was a two-ton mammoth of a monitor lizard. The fall itself would create enough momentum to destroy its internal organs. Besides the fact that it was also shot multiple times with a gun will add to its injuries.

If Alan could find that beast, he may have a chance to live. It could provide him with 300 more units of energy and wake this sh*tty system up. It was the only thought in Alan's mind.

As expected, when Alan moved a little bit more into the curves of the cave. He could see a glow in the pitch-black cave.

The silhouette of the beast was releasing faint light into the atmosphere. It was dead long ago.

"Huh!" Alan sighed.

Moving a little closer to the beast caused a change in the glowing light. It gathered into a point before floating to Alan and integrating with him.

[Collection of energy complete]

"Finy!" Even though Alan screamed finally. What came out was a soft muffled sound.

[System reboot initiating]

[System reboot halted.]

[Host is in critical condition. Diagnosing...]

[Bones fractured x3]

[Internal bleeding in the thoracic and abdominal cavity.]

[Damaged internal organs x5]

[Diagnose complete...]

"....." Time went on and nothing was happening.

"That's it? You are not kidding me, right?"

"Energy F***ing system can't you hear me you..." Alan continued cursing at the system. He was feeling cheated by the system. Who wouldn't, if you were in Alan's shoes.

Suddenly, the sweet notification of the system came again.

[Emergency medical procedure will be activated. Using excess energy.]

[Procedure complete in ten seconds.]

"That's what I am talking about System. You shouldn't scare someone like that. I almost thought you gave up on me. With the diagnose that you gave me, I was surely a dead man crawling."

[Sytem's priority is the host. Not the host's feelings.]

"It can talk?"

[Sytem can answer your questions or make suggestions.]

[Medical procedure complete.]

[Energy System initiating.]

[Abilities unlocked.]

[Passive abilities completely activated.]

[Note: Use the Energy-system to rule over all energy.]

"So fast." Alan was thrilled to hear it. But suddenly he felt something odd. He could see the walls of the cave and the dead body of the enormous beast before him. In the cave, there was a bundle made of leaves where the beast lay. There was no light anywhere in the cave. Then how can he see all this?

"System, how can I see in the dark? Show the status."


System-Level: 1

Human: Advanced(Evolving)



Mind: 10


Comment: Alive and healthy. But, a feeble life form.


• Energy assimilation: Can digest all forms of energy.

• Active Energy Sense: Sense the energy around the host.

• Heatwave: Controlled release of energy as heat.

"Awesome..." This was exciting news for Alan. He felt his heartbeat increasing.

"The night sight may be because of the active energy sense. I don't know how and I don't care how. I can see in the night, that all the answers I need." Sitting up, Alan looked around the cave in astonishment.

Alan was feeling no pain in his body. There was not even a scratch anywhere. He was thrilled after this realisation. Alan also felt as his body is even stronger.

'Is this spiderman situation where the body gets bulky with muscles popping out here and there?' Alan double-checked to see nothing was amiss.

He was alive and kicking and everything that happened to him was real. He almost thought this was some kind of sick dream before his death.

"Now that I have completely healed. Hm...I should test the heatwave skill."

"How should I use it System?"

[The host can target objects within range by his mind before activating the skill by a thought. The intensity, direction, focus can all be controlled by the host. The skill will use the energy host have.]

"Oh! is that so." Like a curious kid. Alan looked around the cave. There was nothing inside it other than the dead body of the beast and some decaying plant waste.

Alan's vision focused on the beast. He looked at its head and activated the vibration skill with his mind. Before he knew it, some energy was sucked out of his body.

The measly ten units of energy he had were being consumed albeit very slowly.

Alan injected more energy into the flow. The intensity of the heatwave increased. Almost 0.1 unit energy was utilized in the next second.

Small fumes of vapour began leaking out from the beast's body.

"Am I microwaving this animal? I need more heat." Alan shouted before releasing more energy into the beast. It shook for a moment before its eyes exploded into pieces splashed all over the place. A unit of energy was consumed.

Hot bits of meat fell all over the place. Alan was safe and sound. But, what did he do wrong? Why did it explode?

'I needed it to burn, but it exploded while increasing the energy output?'

Alan pondered for a moment. But then it hit him.

He was increasing intensity focused on a small area without considering the possibility of steam buildup. That pressure build-up by the steam may be the reason for the gory explosion. What he actually should have done was to gradually increase the intensity of the heatwave all across the body. This way water would have evaporated faster and more evenly while the remaining part burned.

'How can I be so dumb?' Thought Alan before continuing with the experiment.

He looked at the head again before applying his skill. Unlike before, it didn't need much time to create vapours.

Alan increased energy output. From the vapour, the cooked smell of meat wafted around the cave. He increased the energy again.

"Boom..." Unlike normal fires, A reddish luminescent glow formed around the head of the beast. There were no flames. But it charred the beast, creating smoke and a repulsing smell of burnt meat.

Within moments a large head that could swallow a fully grown man was reduced to ashes. And even then, Alan only used three units of energy in total.

Just thinking about that made his blood run cold.

"The Energy System is OP!"

And this was just the beginning. The system showed it was level 1 now. It was just a baby in system years. He could level it and unlock more skills.

'Life will be getting more interesting here on out. I just need to escape from this cave.' Thought Alan. Before moving on to the next step of escape from the cave while staying alive.