The Mafia Leader

The pain from the shot wound that had drained a lot of blood was probably nothing compared to the shameful anger that James Belgenza had experienced this time. He believed in a woman as a mistress he liked who then set him up to kill him.

How James wanted to kill that woman now due to his wrath, but he just went conscious. His physical condition didn't allow him to make a sudden move like sitting or walking.

Earth Lewis, the head of Belgenza's bodyguard, had waited anxiously for his Master for two nights.

"Are you awake, Sir?" asked Earth further. James turned to Earth coldly and nodded very slowly. Earth shook and lowered his head slightly.

"What happened that night?" James asked in a weak voice.

"Miss Michele Luiz scammed you in the dinner, Sir. It turned out that she was Emilio Rodriguez's wife. I'm sorry, Sir, I should have warned you earlier," said Earth with a regretful tone.

"It's not your fault, Earth. I'm the one who wasn't careful and ignored your warnings all this time."

"That's why I'd prefer you to do bidding at Dubrich than dating a woman you just met at a bar." James glared at Earth, and he lowered his head slightly.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I didn't mean to offend you," repeated Earth. James tried to get up even though the pain in his abdomen had not regained. Earth helped his boss to sit on 45 degrees raised bed.

"I'll take care of those two bastards later. Find them! I won't be here long!" James ordered coldly. Earth nodded and put down a pillow so he could lean back.

"Earth… who helped me and took me to the hospital? Looks like she's a girl," James asked, suddenly remembering who had pulled him from the sewers.

"I've asked the doctor. He told me that it was a girl who brought you here. All her data is here. I'm just asking for the file." James nodded in understanding.

"Get the file. I want to know who assisted me!" Earth nodded, then left James' treatment room for a moment. While James was still on his bed holding the stomach, which was still not healing.

While waiting for Earth to return, James tried to remember the face of his savior. He only remembered that the one who helped him was a petite girl with a skinny body. Not long after, Earth returned and gave James a statement signed by the girl who helped him.

James took the paper and read it. His brows furrowed, and he glanced over at Earth.

"Her name is Freya Delilah Starley, and her status here… she wrote that she is my girlfriend?" James glanced and asked Earth, who shrugged his shoulders.

"The nurse who took you said that Miss Starley admitted to being your girlfriend because she had to sign an operating license." James nodded in understanding.

"They also said that Miss Starley was waiting for your operation to complete, Sir. And she only left after making sure that you were okay," Earth continued giving his news.

"Oww... how cute! It so touched!" James quipped coldly with sarcasm. He tossed the document onto his legs stretched out under the blanket.

"Find that Starley girl. I want to thank her!" Earth nodded at James' order and took the document back.

James was eligible to get out of the hospital a few days after and undergo the treatment at his mansion. But James is not someone who could easily forget someone's mistake. After learning that his mistress, who almost made him fall in love, turned out to be betrayed, James wasted no time ordering his mafia gang to find the husband and wife.

It took only two days before they were finally found in a small manor in the foothills outside Naples. Still in dressings but able to walk, James got out of his car and inhaled the fresh mountain air.

"They're inside!" said Earth after opening the car door for James. James was walking, followed by Earth and some of his bodyguards.

A mafia member opened the manor door, and James stepped out by wearing expensive Swiss-made loafers designed just for him.

He walked in, and Earth showed him the woman named Michele Luiz, and the man who had deceived James was Emilio Rodriguez. The woman was tied up with both wrists in front. Meanwhile, her husband was beaten badly by one of James' subordinates.

James sighed and sat across from Michele by folding his legs. The woman glanced at James with disdain and disgust.

"You look sad to see me!" James quipped coldly without a smile at all. Michele snorted sarcastically and tried to put James down.

"It's such a flirty to greet a horrible man like you!" James chuckled sarcastically and glanced at Earth.

"That's not what you said when you moaned my name loudly when we fucked in my living room. Didn't you say that no man can satisfy you as I did!" James replied equally evilly. Emilio, her husband, is silent because he knows that his wife is sleeping with another man to achieve his mission.

"Aren't you a fool to set me up, Michele? What has Emilio committed to you to make you willing to forfeit yourself? You slept with another man so your husband could take my money? That's awful, honey!" added James again. he was still sitting casually with his fingers intertwined and his knees folded like a big boss.

His eyes then glanced at Emilio, who was looking down. The bald man didn't even dare to look at James at all.

"Speak, Emil. Don't you want to hear how your wife wails pleasantly? I pleasured her a lot!" James insinuated more.

"Your wife is not worth more than a whore of Dubrich that slept with me for a week without a break. However, I don't mind sleeping with other people's wives. I do it often!" Earth chuckled a little and kept a sinister scowl looking at Emilio.

"You are a fool to lure your wife to me." James stood up from his seat and gave out his hand to Earth. Earth gave James a revolver specially designed for him. The silver revolver has palmprint technology that is activated with James only.

Michele started crying and looked down. She knew she would die today. James Belgenza was not a man of affection in his heart. He does not hesitate to torture, but he prefers to kill.

"Why are you crying? Don't tell me you miss having sex to me again!" sneered James holding his gun. He pointed the gun at Michele's head and glanced at her husband, Emilio.

"I'm disappointed in you, Emil. I was pointing a gun at your wife, and you just kept quiet. Ah, Michele, if I were you, I would have divorced that coward!" Michele looked up at James with tears hoping he would forgive her.

"But you better to die." a bullet went through Michele's head, and she fell with the rest of her head splattered on the floor. It even splashed to the wall behind her corpse.

Emilio only looks down and closes his eyes. He did not dare to see his wife had been shot dead in front of him. James checked his expensive coat and shoes for any blood splatter.

Now he aimed his gun at Emilio's head. He cleared his throat for Emilio to lift his face.

"Where's my money?" James interrogated Emilio. Emilio didn't answer. He shook his head.

"I know nothing about the money, Mr. Belgenza. I don't have it. Gabriel Moretti took everything," Emilio confessed while pleading. It only triggered James' wrath even more. Of all the men in this world that James resented the most was Gabriel Moretti. The traitor who killed his father, the true leader of Il Rosso. Gabriel takes the supreme leader of the mafia group by poisoning Fabrizio Belgenza, the man who has raised James into adulthood.

"Then you deserve to die!" one more bullet without waiting for a break pierced Emilio's head. He fell instantly. Just like his wife, who died tragically. This time Emilio's blood-stained James pants.

"Ah… these pants are made of special wool fiber, and this jerk ruined it!" he cursed annoyingly.