
The next day James ran his day as usual. As the owner of Superhart Tech, a company that produces high-tech racing machines, he has to supervise each innovation in his factory.

Today he is leaving for Hong Kong to meet a client. One of the team sponsors in Formula E invited him to come at the time of drivers' announcement who will compete in next month's season. At the same time, they would show the type of engine used by the team.

Apart from making engines for F1 cars, Superhart Tech also designs and modifies engines for some racing teams, such as Grand Prix and Nascar.

"Call Jayden, tell him that I want to see him for dinner," James said after breakfast with Earth, who was standing nearby.

"Yes, sir," Earth replied, then followed James out of his mansion to a luxury sports car waiting in front of the lobby. The vehicle would take James to his private airport before leaving for Hong Kong for the meeting.

On the way, James did some works on his plane. Earth is also busy helping and discussing some things with his boss.

James Belgenza uses his birth name James Harristian in the European underground mafia network. International criminals and terrorists know him as a reliable weapons creature. Not only criminals but military officials also acknowledged him as a weapons manufacturer.

His wealth exceeds his adoptive father, Fabrizio Belgenza. He multiplied that wealth and made him the seventh wealthiest person in the world. With such great wealth, his life is yet so mysterious. No one knows his actual wealth. It was only on the surface.

Therefore, it's ridiculous 100 thousand euros can be a problem for James. James used to spend that amount of money for single lunch at the most famous restaurant that belonged to the most renowned chef in the world. But he put someone's life on a meager amount of money.

After her father left, Delilah could not rest. She had two days to be able to pay off the 100 thousand euros.

"What should I do?" Delilah murmured thoughtfully. She was looking after her flower shop and sat alone thinking. Everything was deadlocked. There was nothing she could think of to be able to make 100 thousand in two days.

Delilah kept shedding tears. But she knew it wasn't helping her at all. Crying won't solve the problem.

"I have to calm down. I can't give up!" Delilah sobbed, trying to calm herself down. She looked again at the clock on her counter, and each second was terrifying.

"Only 40 hours left. What should I do?" Delilah murmured by cupping her hands in front of her lips. She started trembling of scared.

Delilah remembered that her brother had started to sell the flower shop. The shop doesn't belong to Delilah, and selling it won't make her 100k euros a day. The shop is too small to be valued at much money. Perhaps the most expensive buyer is only willing to spend 50 thousand for that small shop.

"God help me! What should I do?" Delilah covered her face and cried.

"Why are you crying?" Stefano asked suddenly. Delilah spontaneously lifted her face and saw her boyfriend was coming. She immediately went out of the counter to hug Stefano.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? Are you alright?" Stefano asked and confused. Delilah didn't let Stefano go at all. She kept crying because she didn't know who to tell her problem now.

"Please, help me, Stefano!" Delilah said as Stefano took her to sit on one of the benches after calming down.

"What happened?" Delilah was still sobbing, wiping her tears with the back of her hand.

"Last night, a mafia member came to my house. They said my father stole from their casino. And they asked for the money back," Delilah reported and told the whole story. Stefano frowned yet was still listening.

"My father can't repay it. Now he's gone, and my brother is also running away. I don't know what to do. They'll be back in two days to get the money." Delilah sobbed again and looked frightened. Stefano initially held Delilah's shoulder, then released his grip to straighten his body.

"If I can't repay it, they will kill my father," Delilah continued, still gasping. Stefano was silent, then scratching the back of his head.

"What should I do? Where can I get 100 thousand euros?" Delilah asked to hope to get a solution from Stefano.

"I do not know. I've never seen that much money before," Stefano replied and started making Delilah sadder. She didn't know what else to do now.

"If you sell this shop, how much will it cost?" Stefano asked, looking around the little shop. Delilah was silent and turned to Stefano, who was looking around. Then she looked down and didn't say anything.

"Ah, I think people will bid only up to 30 thousand, not more than 35 thousand. This shop is small, and there are not many customers. It will be difficult, right?" Stefano said again.

"I can't sell it. This shop is not mine," Delilah muttered. Stefano then turned to Delilah.

"I know that, but you can borrow it. When you have the money, you can redeem the money back. Or use it as collateral for a loan to a loan shark. You'll pay it back later." Stefano made up a suggestion.

Delilah seemed to think about the proposal. She did not know to make the shop as collateral for a debt.

"But if it is used as collateral, I think they still don't want to give 100 thousand euros, do they?"

"No, but at least you can ask the mafia for time to pay it off. At least you've paid a third of it, haven't you?" Stefano's answer made Delilah rethink. She still doubts if Stefano's way can be a solution.

"That means I will have two debts to pay off."

"But you have more time. But if you pay by selling this shop, where else are you going to find the rest of money?" Delilah then turned to Stefano and took his hand.

"Can't I borrow money from you or your parents, Stefano? I will repay it," Delilah pleaded, hoping for Stefano's help. Stefano chuckled and shook his head.

"I don't have that kind of money. After all, I don't think that my father will lend you that much money. Our shop is at a loss now!" Stefano immediately rejected Delilah. Delilah was increasingly disappointed with the situation. Stefano didn't even want to help her when she was in trouble.

"I'll think about your proposal," Delilah said in a weak tone after a moment's silence.

"You'd better think about it sooner. It's noon, and tomorrow is the last day, right!" Stefano's reply made Delilah even more wry and scared.

"I can take you to Mr. Felipe if you want. I'm sure he'll lend you some money." Delilah just nodded but didn't answer.

"Then I'll go first. I have another appointment!" Stefano chirped to stand up and left Delilah like that.

When he came out, Stefano walked to stop for a moment and looked back while grunting with an annoyed face.

"What a fucking poor woman! I could have some money from her today, but she was in debt with the mafia, ah, dammit!" Stefano cursed and then left Delilah's flower shop.

Delilah didn't want to waste time. She must try to get the money.

"Oliver must take the money away. I have to find him!" Delilah muttered, then packed her things to leave the shop. She closed the shop before lunch and went to look for his brother.

Delilah searched all the places where Oliver had been. She even ventured into bars and pubs to inquire, looking for Oliver and her father. Delilah didn't care about the strange looks of people in the club who saw her enter in plain clothes and big glasses.

But no one saw Oliver or her father. She only got vehement rejections from the bar owner or the bartender on duty. But Delilah got nothing but to go home empty-handed.