
James enjoyed the parties and banquets of Golden Dragon in Hong Kong. He also met Anthony Lin, Jayden's father, at the party. James got a particular notification from the Dubrich auction house during the party. They called for a new item that came in and auctioned tomorrow night in Paris. Dubrich has some hidden auction houses almost all over mainland Europe and Asia. Billionaires from Syech to the Prime Minister often become their VIP members. And James Harristian is one of them.

James smirked faintly while reading the encrypted notification on his phone. Jayden noticed him then walked closer to ask.

"Don't tell me you have to go home now!" Jayden rebuked as he handed James a glass of Scotch. James chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.

"There's an offer I can't pass up, Jay. The major thing is that I have come to your inauguration." Jayden sighed.

"I'm planning to move to New York. Want to come along?" Jayden stated matter-of-factly.

"What for?"

"I heard you were after Gabriel Moretti," Jayden replied by making James stop drinking. Jayden glanced with the corner of his eye then smirked.

"Where did you hear it from?" James demanded then.

"Oh, James. I am the leader of the Golden Dragon. Who do you think owns New York?" Jayden sounded arrogant as he raised his eyebrows. James just raised his glass and nodded.

"If you can kill him for me, I will raise you as my brother," replied James, refusing to lose.

"Deals!" Jayden raised his glass as well.

"But it would be better if you went after him. I'm just curious what your matters with him anyway," continued Jayden.

"He killed my father!"

"I thought you were from an orphanage."

"Indeed, Fabrizio Belgenza is my foster father. Gabriel Moretti was his first confidant. But he retaliated by poisoning my father and snatching Il Rosso from his hand. All that's left for me are a few people who are still loyal to the Belgenza family," replied James coldly.

"So you want revenge?" James nodded.

"I took care of Belgenza, who raised me. Fabrizio even gave his entire inheritance to me. I was taken off the street by him, so I should be thanking him, right?" Jayden nodded understandingly.

"Then, do you want to come with me to New York?" Jayden offered again. James smirked and shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know, we'll see. For now, I want to join the auction first." Jayden frowned but didn't ask any further, and James seemed to read Jayden's mind.

"You can come with me if you want. It is Dubrich." Jayden glanced at James, then cracked a smile.

"Do they have good stuff?" James smiled and neither confirmed nor shook his head.

"Hmm... authentically and pleasantly," he said while drinking with a mysterious smirk. Not long after, Earth came and whispered something to James.

"Miss Starley borrowed some money from a loan shark to pay your money, sir." James frowned and turned to Earth. Jayden also briefly looked but then glanced away in another direction. He didn't want to get too involved in James' personal affairs.

"She dares to do that? She didn't give up, did she?" James asked Earth in a whisper. Earth nodded and stayed close to James. James chuckled and shook his head.

"She has guts… Does she think she can pay me, huh? Hmm!" James took a deep breath and smiled evilly.


Delilah couldn't wait any longer. She had borrowed 30 thousand euros at 30 percent interest with a florist guarantee that was not hers. She took a huge risk to pay off her father and brother's debt. The ruler of Naples even threatened her now. If she did not pay, he would kill her.

But now that she had the money and wanted to negotiate, the man didn't show up. Delilah feels that her life made fun of her. She even waited all night to fall asleep in front of the television to no avail and still had debts.

'Am I being fooled?' thought Delilah.

"Oh, no way. That guy is a bad guy. There's no way he's messing with me. Then why did it happen?" Delilah muttered to herself. She was still pacing back and forth in the middle of her apartment while watching at the door.

Delilah is getting more disappointed. She is starting to believe that the handsome lousy guy is just playing a prank on her. Annoyed, Delilah then went into her room. She changed her clothes, combed her hair, and then braided it into two parts. After tying the other one, Delilah weaved the other one and dug into the drawer on her small dresser. Her hands remained searching, and she could not find a pair of black hair ties decorated with flowers.

While holding one side of her hair, Delilah searched her entire room. Her eyes searched every corner but couldn't find it at all.

"Where's my hair tie?" Delilah muttered. She scratched her head and scanned more but couldn't find it. Delilah is a neat girl. She never spills the slightest thing. She was sure she had put it on the dresser or in a drawer. Delilah was disappointed not to find what she was looking for it. Finally, because she was in a hurry, she was forced to wear a hair tie of a different color even though the flower ornamented hair tie was Delilah's, which she liked the most.

As soon as Delilah left the room, she was stunned to stop behind the bedroom door. Oliver suddenly entered the house and closed the door. Their father also followed his stepping inside the house.

"Dad? Oliver?" Delilah murmured. Mark walked quickly to Delilah and grabbed her wrist. He pulled Delilah into the room, and Oliver followed him.

"Where are you going?" Mark asked bluntly. Delilah, who was innocent, then just confessed.

"I want to return Mr. J's money." Oliver almost popped his bulging eyes. He walked over to Delilah in disbelief.

"Did… you get the money?" Delilah nodded and shook her head. Oliver was confused and frowned.

"I only got a third, so I plan to talk to Mr. J so that he can give me a longer deadline, and I can pay off the rest," Delilah answered innocently. Mark laughed and pushed Delilah's head with his fingertips.

"You stupid girl. Do you think he's a lad? He's the top mobster, Daga Nero. How can he negotiate with you giving a longer deadline? Before you speak, he might have shot you!" sneered Mark with a cynical cast. Delilah just silently let her father treat her like that.

"Where did you get the money from?" Oliver examined after glancing at his father.

"I borrowed on collateral," repeated Delilah. Oliver frowned and turned to his father.

"What do you put it on?"

"Flower shop..." Delilah then lowered her head slightly.

"Oh, you're starting to think smart now!" quipped Mark again. He smirked and walked to Delilah.

"Where is the money?" Mark asked again. Delilah glanced at Father and Brother in turn.

"I-I'll give the money to Mr. J," Delilah replied with fear.

"I will pay it. Give me the money!" Mark answered. Delilah was confused. She knew that her father must be trying to deceive her.

"No, Dad. You will use the money to get drunk or gamble. I will return the money to Mr. J." Delilah insisted, and that pissed Mark off. But before he exploded, Oliver's hand stopped him.

"Well, let me do the talking!" Oliver then turned to Delilah.

"Listen to me, Delilah. Mr. J is not a good person. He was the most vicious man in Naples, maybe even Italy. So if you go there, he will rape you and throw your body into the sewer," Oliver stated by frightening Delilah. Delilah's eyes grew more prominent, and she started to get scared.

"I am your brother; there's no way I can let you be tricked by him, right?" Delilah nodded.

"Therefore, let me and Daddy go there. Dad and I will negotiate with him so he doesn't come after us again." Oliver gave his reasons. Delilah couldn't just believe it, but she knew James was a dangerous person if she heard the explanation.

"What you have to remember is that he will always harm you. So before that happens, you better do it first." Mark then joined the discussion.

"What do you mean, dad?"

"Delilah, you are a woman. You should be able to use your body to get rid of James Belgenza." Delilah still didn't understand.

"If you meet him later, seduce him, then kill him!"